Page 12 - August 2018
P. 12

MWGM Anderson presenting Masonic Education Lodge of the
         year to Lower Yellowstone Lodge No. 90.
                                                                        RW Grand Secretary Dan Gardiner presents the
                                                                     Past Grand Master Jewel to MWPGM Jerry Anderson.

                                                                      Presentation of Master Builder Awards to Lodges.
                     Tom Spencer and Lady Martha.

                                                  Kicker Curtis, PM, Malta 57.
                                                                               Quilt presentation to MWGM Anderson.

              Lady Maggie and Gary Long.
                                                    Bro. Bill Langford.         Brother Lance Averett and his Lady.
         Page 12                                                                             Montana Freemason                                                                    August 2018
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