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made the claim that even up through 1882, the Chinese did referred  to  in  North  America  as  Chinese  Freemasonry)
        not have any Freemasonry connections, though they were  spread rapidly through the United States of America and
        starting  to  incorporate  some  traits.  In  1884  The  Helena  Canada, assisted by the mode of transport which they were
        newspaper reported that there was even the excessive pomp  instrumental in constructing the railway. In areas such as
        and attendance at a funeral of a Chinese man in Helena was  Boston, San Francisco, and New York, the Chee Kung Tong
        discussed in relation to his position as a head person among  exists even today.
        the Masons.
                                                                 There were six major Tongs operating in North America.
               Chinese Arrive In Helena Montana Territory      Each had an associated gang which conducted the unsavory
                                                               part of their operation, the only exception being the Chee
          By  1866  descriptions  of  Chinese  began  appearing  in  a  Kung Tong  or  ‘Chinese  Masonic  Society,’  which  had  no
        variety  of  historical  documents,  showing  a  signifi cant  affi  liated gang. The six Tongs with their associated Gangs
        increase  in  population  throughout  the  Montana Territory.  were:
        The  fi rst  mention  of  Chinese  in  Helena  is  in  the  Lewis                 Tong Affi  liated Gang
        and Clark County Deed Records, where several groups of
        Chinese companies began to purchase mining lots in the    On Leong                    Ghost Shadows
        “Rattlesnake District” of Last Chance Gulch. It is recorded   Hip Sing                Flying Dragons/Wah Ching
        in the deed books that in 1866 groups of Chinese miners   Hop Sing                    Hop Sing Boys
        bought several placer claims in upper Last Chance Gulch.   Tung On                    Tung On Boys
        At  the  time  of  the  Chinese  purchase  of  claims  and  lots,   Fukien American Assoc.    Fuk Chink
        Helena was part of Edgerton County, named after the fi rst   Chee Kung                 No Affi  liated Society
        Territorial  Governor  of  Montana  appointed  by  President
        Abraham Lincoln in 1864. Edgerton County was offi  cially  The Glory Days of the Chee Kung Tong
        renamed Lewis and Clark County on March 1, 1868. The
        most interesting aspect of the purchase of claims and lots   The 1890s saw the Chee Kung Tong at the peak of its
        by Chinese is that after 1866 there were no more recorded  power.  Chinese  texts  and  objects  in  museum  collections
        deeds under Chinese names until the 1900s in Lewis and  point to the same conclusion as do historical photographs
        Clark  County.  The  Chinese  population  of  Helena  was  and English language newspapers. The Chee Kung Tong was
        unsurpassed  by  any  other  single  district  in  the  Territory  by far the most crucial institution in most North American
        during the 1870s and comprised nearly 21% of the residents  Chinatowns. In 1895, the San Francisco Chronicle stated
        in that township.                                      that, contrary to what most Americans believed, the Chinese
                                                               Six  Companies  [i.e.,  the  Zhonghua  Huiguan  or  Chinese
          It appears that the majority of Chinese in Helena clustered  Consolidated  Benevolent  Association]  had  “little  or  no
        around the downtown area, near the mouth of Last Chance  authority” compared with the Chee Kung Tong.”  There are
        Gulch. Newspaper accounts indicate that Chinese businesses  Chinese Masonic Societies (Chee Kung Tong) in Mexico,
        and  habitations  were  in  and  around  the  intersections  of  Hawaii,  England,  Canada,  and  other  countries.  To  give
        Cutler,  Water,  and  Main.  As  noted  in  the  1870  federal  some appreciation of its spread, in the early 1990s Hawaii
        census, Helena had a population of 666 Chinese, including  was host to a world ‘Chinese Masonic Society Conference.
        60 women, by far the largest number of Chinese females in
        the Territory. By the 1870s there were a number of Chinese        Mother of Chinese Secret Societies
        mining operations in western Montana. As placer mining
        declined  during  the  late  1870s  and  1880s,  the  Chinese   The secret society that called itself the Chee Kung Tong
        moved into other fi elds such as railroad construction and   (Pinyin: Zhigongtang, “Hall of Universal Justice”), was the
        business which served not only the Chinese population but   dominant  organization  in  New  World  Chinatowns  in  the
        the white majority as well. Montana’s largest communities   late  19th  century.  Just  about  all  Chinese  secret  societies
        of Chinese were in Butte and Helena.                   were, in a way, descended from it. The organization itself
                                                               was already old. Its parents were the cluster of independent
                Overview of the Chinese Masonic Society        but  closely  linked  secret  societies  called  the  Hongmen
                                                               (“Hong Gate”), the Hongshuntang, the Tiandihui (“Heaven
          The headquarters of the World Chinese Masonic Society  and  Earth  Society”),  or  the  Yixinggongsi  (“Company
        or Yee Hing in San Francisco changed its Chinese name to  for  Promoting  Integrity”).  All  members  were  sworn  to
        the  "Chee  Kung Tong"  and  advised  all  Chinese  Masonic  overthrow  the  Manchu  dynasty  that  ruled  China,  which
        Societies to adopt this new title. It was recorded that the  meant they were fi ercely persecuted by the government in
        Yee Hing had a membership in San Francisco in 1886 of  Beijing. Such societies existed in China from the eighteenth
        4500, and in the Americas where the Chinese had penetrated  century onward, had spread to Southeast Asia by the early
        the total membership was 15,000. Their records indicated  nineteenth  century,  and  came  to  the  Americas  with  the
        that they had branches in 390 towns in the United States,  fi rst would be Chinese gold miners in the mid-nineteenth
        Canada,  Spanish  America  and  Cuba.  San  Francisco,  as  century.
        stated earlier, was the World Headquarters of the Yee Hing
        or  ‘Chinese  Masonic  Society.’  In  1919  the  Headquarters   As  early  as  1854,  local  English  language  newspapers
        issued  a  statement  indicating  that  all  ‘Chinese  Masonic  reported  that  the  “Hung  Society”  was  active  in  San
        Societies’  were  to  be  also  known  by  the  Chinese  title  Francisco. The name “Chee Kung Tong” did not exist in
        'Chee Kung Tong'. Chinese Masonic Societies (sometimes those days. Chinese societies in China and Southeast Asia
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