Page 34 - August 2018
P. 34

The Brig Schooner "Betsy" and the Barbary Pirates

                                                   Reid Gardiner, Editor

          The basic story presented here had been published in  Boston on July 7, 1796, for Naples. Betsy was seen off
        many Masonic magazines. I found it in the Freemason’s  of Spain on August 19. The Betsy was captured on the
        Monthly Magazine, Vol. IV, No. 1, November 1844.  Mediterranean sea off  Malaga by a Tripolitania xebec
        My curiosity was piqued, so I decided to look into the  (or  zebec)  naval  warship  and  taken  to  Tripoli.  The
        story a bit more. I hope you fi nd it equally fascinating. captain and crew were stripped nearly naked, and, being
                                                               the  fi rst Americans  ever  there,  were  driven  through
          Often  researching  related  information  you  fi nd   the streets chained, and pelted with off ensive missiles
        things  that  can  lead  you  astray,  the  following  are   treated with all manner of indignities. The captain was
        worth noting: The person of Chapin Sampson (Jr. or     confi ned  in  a  dungeon  a  number  of  days,  and  when
        II),  is  the  son  of  Chapin  Sampson  (Sr.  or  I),  also  a   taken  out,  was  compelled  to  assist  in  unloading  the
        Sea  Captain.  The  ship  the  Betsy                                       cargo of his vessel other members
        was  taken  by  Barbary  Pirates                                           of  the  crew  were  sent  to  labor
        shortly  after  the  ship  Betsey  was                                     as  slaves.  While  thus  employed,
        taken. We  can verify that  Chapin                                         Hassan Bey, recognized him as a
        Sampson,  Sr.,  was  a  Mason  and                                         Masonic brother. At the risk of his
        member of  Lodge of Saint Andrew                                           own life, he planned and assisted
        located in Boston, MA; however;                                            in his in his quest to return home.
        we  have  not  been  able  to  verify                                      The commandeering of the Betsy
        the Lodge membership of Chapin                                             and  others  led  to  the  Barbary
        Sampson,  Jr.,  although  there  are                                       War. 2
        many  references  to  him  being  a
        Mason. The Masonic membership                                                Hassan Bey, a native of Tripoli,
        of Hassan Bey has not been verifi ed. Nonetheless, the  and  reportedly  a  Brother  had  become  a  Mason  in
        essential elements of the story are verifi able.        France.  Hassan  (Husseyn  Dey)  became  provincial
                                                               ruler,  or  Dey  of Algiers  1818.  Hassan  Bashaw  Dey
          After independence, more than one-fi fth of U.S. trade   was the last of the Ottoman rulers of the Regency of
        then  was  with  Mediterranean  countries.  American   Algiers. He held the position of  Bashaw (or pasha, title
        shipping began to fall prey to the pirates around 1784.   placed after the name of high offi  cials) and beylerbey
        The United States found itself having to make many     he was both ruled both civil government and led the
        treaties, including ones in North Africa. In 1787, the   militia (the Dey appointed beys or military governors
        Continental Congress ratifi ed a treaty with Morocco    to  collect  taxes  and  enforce  laws).  He  signed  the
        calling  for  the  payment  of  tribute  by  the  United   "Barbary Treaties" of 1786-1816, the Treaty of peace
        States in exchange for an end to attacks on merchant   and amity was signed on September 5, 1795.  3
        ships. There  was  an  outcry  and  lobbying  from  ship
        owners  and  merchants  because  ship  seizures  in  the   By 1796 Algerian corsairs alone had captured 119
        Mediterranean  were  increasing  insurance  rates  and   American sailors and their merchant ships. They were
        delaying goods. In 1794 Congress passed the Naval      fed near-starvation rations, beaten regularly, and put
        Act, which reestablished the U.S. Navy and authorized   to  work  breaking  rocks  on  chain  gangs,  or  scraping
        the construction of six naval frigates to provide for the   barnacles  off   ship  hulls.  Some  of  them  had  been
        defense of American shipping interests.                imprisoned for 10 or more years. In 1796, the tribute
                                                               to Tripoli was $56,000. But the Sultans wanted more
          Brother  Chapin  Sampson,  Jr.,  the  Captain  of  the   and more payment of tribute. 4
        Betsy  was  born  on  14  August  1764  in  Duxbury,
        Massachusetts.  He  married  Sarah  Smith  on  13  July   The capture of the Betsy of Boston was mentioned
        1788 in Boston. Sarah and Chapin had nine children.    in a letter dated 6 Oct 1796 from David Humphreys,
        Captain  Sampson,  became  a  Mason  in  St.  George's   US Minister to Portugal to the US Secretary of State. 5
        Lodge of Harmony in Liverpool on 15 August 1793.    1    David Humphreys was an American Revolutionary
                                                               War colonel and aide-De-camp to George Washington,
          The  Brig  Schooner  "Betsy"  a  merchant  ship  was   American minister to Portugal and then to Spain, an
        owned by William H.  Boardman, from  Boston. The       entrepreneur  who  brought  Merino  sheep  to America
        239-ton  ship  commanded  by  Chapin  Sampson,  left   and member of the Connecticut state legislature.
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