Page 35 - August 2018
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In a letter dated October 12, 1796, Joel Barlow,  of State that the Bey of Barbary "is becoming powerful.
        American Consul at Algiers writes "Another large ship,  His marine, which before he took Capt Sampson last
        richly laden, the Betsy of Boston, Captain Sampson,  year  consisted  of  only  two  small  cruisers,  is  now
        has been taken at Tripoli. The crew are in slavery; they  almost equal to that of Algiers."
        will soon be free." No further details of these captures
 ff      are  given.  Upon  conclusion  of  peace  with  Tripoli,   In a letter of 14 Dec 1799 from James L. Cathcart,
 e      which soon followed, the Betsy was retained by the     US Consul, Tripoli to David Humphreys, US Minister
 c      pasha, but her crew were released.                     to  Madrid.  There  is  a  reference  to  the  services  that
 e        Joel Barlow, was an American poet, diplomat, and     O'Brien had rendered the crew of the Betsy.
 g      politician he was among the fi rst American poets to be   James Leander Cathcart was a diplomat, slave, and
 h      taken seriously in England and Europe, with his works   sailor. He joined the American Revolution and at the
 s      such as “The Vision of Columbus,” “The Columbiad,”     age of twelve served on a privateer. Three years later,
 s      and “Hasty Pudding.”                                   as a midshipman on The Confederacy, he was captured
 n                                                             by the British and imprisoned on prisoner ships, from
 e        It  appears  that  Captain  Richard  O'Brien,  was  able  which he escaped in 1782. He became fl uent in Spanish
 s      to  secure  freedom  crew  of  the  Betsy  and  they  were  and French, which he learned from fellow prisoners
 r      released to him for transport them home on November  during  his  three-year  internment.  He  is  notable  for
 ,      27, 1796. Capt. Sampson returned to Boston around  his  narrative  as  a  slave  in Algiers  for  eleven  years.
 a      1800.                                                  He returned to the Barbary States in December 1798,
 s         Richard Henry O'Brien, was an American privateer  as  special  agent  to William  Eaton.  In  1802,  he  was
 d      during the American Revolution, he  later served as the  appointed US Consul to Tunis and Tripoli. Cathcart
        U.S. Consul General to the Barbary state of Algiers.  served  in  the  United  States  diplomatic  corps  during
 y      He had previously spent 10 years as a slave in Algiers  the administrations of John Adams, Thomas Jeff erson,
 y      after his ship was captured. He eventually returned to  and James Madison.
        Philadelphia, serve in the state legislature. He died in
        1824.                                                    The  In  February  1802,  Congress  empowered
 ,                                                             President Thomas Jeff erson to use the Navy in any way
 n        In a letter dated Dec. 30, 1796, Algiers, from Joel  he deemed fi t to protect "the commerce and seamen
 l      Barlow to his wife, Ruth Baldwin Barlow. He writes  of  the  United  States  against  Tripolitan  cruisers."
 y      "You are the proprietor of half a ship; the other half  Jeff erson's instructions to naval offi  cers were explicit:
 f      belongs to a friend whom you will see some day. The  "subdue, seize and make prizes of all vessels, goods,
 e      ship is called the Friendship, commanded by Captain  and  eff ects  belonging  to  the  Dey  of  Tripoli"  and
 y      Sampson, of Boston, a brave man, recently captured at  proceed with whatev er measures "the state of war will
 e      Tripoli. The ship is in good condition; I have brought  justify."  8 & 10
 s      it here and sold half of it; the other half I give to you. I
 e      have ordered the Captain to sail with it as much as he     The Barbary states of North African consisted of
 e      pleases and send the gains to Wm. Biddle, at Boston;  today’s  Algeria,  Morocco,  Libya,  and  Tunisia.  The
        I have written to him to place the money as it comes,  Barbary War (1801-1805) mark the reestablishment of
        in United States funds in the name of Ruthy Barlow, a  the US Navy and the Marine Corps. In 1805 Marines
 9      woman that he once knew. Behold your fortune made!" took  the  Barbary  pirates'  harbor  fortress  of  Derna.
 e        In another letter from Joel Barlow to his wife dated  Following  the  battle  of  Derna,  the  Marines  were
 t      Feb. 6, 1797. "The brigantine Friendship came safely  going to take Tripoli.  The ruler of Tripoli was Yusef
 g      from Tunis, delivered her cargo, and has been chartered  Caramanli,  the  Battle  of  Derna  put  pressure  on  the
 n      at  $450  a  month  to  my  friend  the  Ambassador  of  Yousef’s regime to change their policy of piracy, and
 e      France, to carry him to Tripoli, and then to Naples;  to release the American hostages in Tripoli, which is
 e      this service ended, it will go to America. It is a ship of  remembered in the Marine Corp Hymn "To the Shores
        150 tons. 6                                            of Tripoli." This also solidifi ed the Navy mission of
                                                               deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the
 d        Capt.  Sampson  returned  to  Boston  around  1800.  seas. The Barbary War also was the fi rst foreign war
 ,      After his time as a ship captain, he became a framer.  fought by the US after the American Revolution, the
        In June 1801, he moved from Boston to West Gardner,  fi rst time an American soldier shed blood on foreign
 y      Maine. He Died there on 29 December 1853 at the age  soil, the fi rst ground battle for US Marines, and the
 ,      of 86. 7                                               fi rst time the Stars and Stripes were raised over foreign
 n                                                             soil after a military victory.
 a        In  a  letter  dated  18  August  1797,  Joel  Barlow,
        American Consul at Algiers mentioned to the Secretary                                                       C         P    36
         Volume 94   Number  6                                                    Montana Freemason                                                                         Page 35
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