Page 39 - August 2018
P. 39

Two Perpendicular Parallel Lines

                        Matthew A. Leilich, P M, Gothic-Fraternal Lodge #270, Hamilton Square, NJ

          The point within a circle em-bordered                              Our  ritual  makes  much  more  sense  if
        by  two  perpendicular,  parallel  lines,                          we  apply  this  antiquated  defi nition  of  the
        with the Holy Bible resting on the circle,                         word,  “two  parallel  hanging  lines,”  or  “two
        is one of the most recognizable symbols                            vertical parallel lines.” Additionally, the word
        in  Freemasonry.  It  is  also  one  which                         pendant derives from the French verb pendre
        always raises a question. How can two                              “to hang,” which also derives from the Latin
        lines be both perpendicular and parallel?                          pendere. After all, a pendant hangs around a
                                                                           person’s neck.
          Anyone that has ever sat through a basic
        geometry class knows perpendicular and                               Many  masons  do  not  understand  that
        parallel lines are opposite. They are each                         the  use  of  the  word  perpendicular  in  our
        defi ned mathematically as follows:                                 ritual  is  either  referring  to  the  two  tangents
                                                                           perpendicular to the circle’s diameter or that
          Perpendicular lines:                            the ritual is using an antiquated defi nition of the word. The latter
          “Perpendicular  lines  are  lines  that  intersect  and  is more likely. This lack of understanding has even caused some
        form right angles.”(1)                            grand jurisdictions to remove the word “perpendicular” from the
          Parallel lines: “Two lines are parallel if they are in  ritual altogether!
        the same plane but never intersect.”(2)
                                                            Our Masonic teachings direct us to subdue our passions and
          If perpendicular and parallel lines are geometrically  improve ourselves through masonry. What better way to improve
        opposite why does our ritual refer to these two lines  ourselves than by studying our ritual? However, sometimes when
        as both perpendicular and parallel? Clearly, this is a  we examine the ritual through a modern lens, we unintentionally
        contradiction!  There  are  two  possible  explanations  leave the lens cap on.
        for this inconsistency.

          First, it is possible that the word perpendicular refers
        to the two tangents perpendicular to the diameter of  (1) Geometry Common Core (Pearson Education, Inc., Boston,
        the circle. A tangent is a line that touches the edge of  Massachusetts, 2012), page 942.
        a circle once. The diameter would pass through the  (2) Downing, Douglas, Ph.D. Dictionary of Mathematics Terms
        point.  In  other  words,  both  lines,  or  both  tangents,  (Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.; New York, 1987), page 140.
        form two 90-degree angles with the diameter of the

          Second,  a  more  antiquated  defi nition  of  the  word
        perpendicular meant “straight up and down,” “vertical,”
        or “nearly vertical.” For example, the perpendicular
        face of the mountain, or the perpendicular mast of a
        ship. The word derives from Latin. Per (through) +
        pendere (to hang) forms perpendiculum (plumb line).

         Volume 94   Number  6                                                    Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 39
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