Page 21 - Jan 2021 MFM.indd
P. 21

Continuing a Long Established Masonic Tradition
                 Ottawa Lodge No. 51 Gifts
             to Canyon Creek Elementary School

      On Friday December 11, 2020, Ottawa Lodge #51’s
     Worshipful Master Jon Jackson and Senior Warden Fred
     Benson presented a $500.00 check to Canyon Creek
     Elementary School in Canyon Creek, MT.

      Knowing that reading literacy is essential for the
     educational development of young people, SW Benson
     made a motion and it was unanimously passed by the
     Brothers, for Ottawa Lodge #51 to donate $500.00 to
     Canyon Creek Elementary School for the school to use to
     help purchase a book for every student.
      Th  e donation is to assist students, assisted by their
     teachers, to buy a book to start or continue their reading
     adventures, and to help them build their own libraries.
     Currently there are 24 students attending Canyon Creek
     Elementary School.  Th  ey started the year with over 30
     students; however, because of COVID-19, some of the
     students are being home schooled.
      Th  e enclosed pictures show WM Jackson and SW
     Benson masked up for the presentation, and WM Jackson
     presenting the check to Jennifer Kueber, one of the Canyon
     Creek Elementary School teachers.  As a sidebar to the visit,
     Jennifer Kueber remembered WM Jackson working for
     Canyon Creek Elementary School as the School Counselor,
     and that WM Jackson’s wife, Pam, had also presented
     foreign language to the students.
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