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Th  e Hands of the Workman
                                                   Reid Gardiner
                                           Grand Secretary Emeritus, Editor

                                               William J. Marshall
                                               Grand Master 1927-1928
      Brother William J. Marshall                             Dr. W. J. Marshall was the Grand Master who in 1928
     was born on 9 Sept 1875 in                             recommended that the Grand Lodge make provisions
     Shiawassee County, Michigan.                           for a permanent home, its own Grand Lodge building.
     He attended a country school                           In 1937, MWPGM Marshall was part of the dedication
     and Chesaning High School,                             team for Helena's new Grand Lodge building.
     graduating at the age of
     seventeen. He spent the next                             He was exalted in Kalispell Chapter No. 13, R.A.M.
     four years teaching at country                         dimitting to become a Charter Member of Polson
     schools in northern Michigan.                          Chapter No. 24, and served as High Priest. He was greeted
     In 1899, he entered the Medical                        in Tyrean Council No. 3 at Missoula in 1920 and was
     Department of the University                           Th  rice Illustrious Master in 1927. He was Knighted in
     of Michigan. He transferred to                         Cyrene Commandery No. 10 at Kalispell in 1914. In 1920
     the Department of Arts and,                            he transferred his membership and became a Charter
     in 1905, received a Bachelor of                        member of Melita Commandery No. 21 at Polson. In
     Arts Degree. Th  en re-entered the                     1920, he dimitted  to join St. Omer Commandery No. 10
     Medical School and graduated in 1909 with a degree     at Missoula and was Eminent Commander in 1926-1927.
     of Medical Doctor. Still not satisfi ed, he continued his
     medical work along the research line and returned to the   He became a member of Butte Consistory and Bagdad
     University of Michigan in 1919 and obtained a degree of   Temple at Butte in 1918. Brother Marshall became a
     Master of Science.                                     member of the Eastern Star, being fi rst a member at Ann
       In October of 1909, he moved to Polson, Montana,     Arbor, Michigan, dimitting in 1911 to become a Charter
     and engaged in medicine until 1920, when he associated   member of Mystic Chapter No. 53, at Polson, Montana.
     with the Western Montana Clinic. While in Polson, he   He was Worthy Patron in 1914. Later he became a
     also served as President of the School Board and Mayor   member of Electa Chapter No. 7 of Missoula.
     of Polson. He has was a member of the staff  and visiting
     physician at St. Patrick's Hospital in Missoula. He      It was said that he had a pleasing yet forceful
     was a member of the Northwestern Montana Medical       personality  that  was  felt  throughout  the  jurisdiction;
     Society, the Council of the Montana State Association,   his tenacity of purpose, particularly along the lines of
     and counselor for the Pacifi c Northwest Society, and   Masonic Education, brought order out of chaos in our
     a member of the American Medical Association. In       educational work and the plan he laid down, though it
     Missoula, Brother Marshall was a member of the         was improved upon over time. Montana Masonry was
     Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis Club, member of           richer for having had him for a strong leader.
     the Cemetery Board, and Chairman of the Red Cross.
     And was a member of the Board of Trustees of the         M. W. Brother William J. Marshall died on 24 Sept 1952
     Congregational Church at Missoula. In 1917 he became   at the age of 77 and is buried at the Missoula Cemetery.
     a Lieutenant in the Medical Reserve Corps and later
     promoted to Major, Medical Corps, US Army.
      Brother Marshall's father-in-law and his fi ve  sons
     were all Masons. His Mother-in-law was Grand Matron
     of Montana OES in 1920-1921. While at the University
     of Michigan, Bother Marshall became a member of the
     Michigan Masonic Club and later became the Acacia
     Club fraternity Founder.

      Immediately following his twenty-fi rst birthday, he
     petitioned for the Degrees of Masonry and was raised in
     Gaylord Lodge No. 366, Gaylord, Michigan. Initiated 17
     Nov 1896, Passed 18 Nov 1896, and Raised to the Sublime
     Degree of a Master Mason on 22 Dec 1896. While a
     student, he dimitted to join Fraternity Lodge No. 262 in
     Ann Arbor, Michigan. In 1910, he dmitted to become a
     member of Polson Lodge No. 78, Polson, Montana, and
     served as Worshipful Master in 1912. He was elected as
     Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Montana
     on 18 Aug 1927 in Helena.
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 22                                                 Jan/Feb 2021   Volume 97 No. 1
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