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Th  e Hands of the Workman
                                                    Reid Gardiner
                                           Grand Secretary Emeritus, Editor

                                                Francis Hagstrom
                                              Grand Master 1928-1929

                           Francis Hagstrom was born 2        Brother Hagstrom served the Grand Lodge as an
                           December 1882, in Stillwater,   appointive and elective offi  cer in the several stations
                           Minnesota.                       and, in 1928, was elected Grand Master of Masons in
                              He attended public school.
                           Later he worked for the Union      M. W. Brother Hagstrom was a Grand Cross of
                           Depot Transfer Company  Color recipient, an Honorary Degree from the Order
                           in Stillwater, and next with  of Rainbow for Girls, in 1933.
                           the Great Northern Railroad
                           in Minneapolis, and moved          In 1939, MWPGM Hagstrom received the Legion
                           to Helena with the Great         of Honor - Honorary, conferred by the International
                           Northern Railroad. Followed      Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay.
                           by a move to Lewistown as          MWPGM Hagstrom died on 5 September 1969,
     a Clerk and Telegraph Operations for the Montana       age 86 years, at Helena, Montana, and was buried
     Railroad Company. Aft er the Montana Railroad          at Lewistown City Cemetery at Lewistown, Fergus
     Company became part of the Chicago, Milwaukee &        County, Montana. Grand Lodge Funeral Services were
     Saint Paul Railroad, he worked as a telegraph operator.  conducted by M. W. Grand Master Floyd P. Jennie on
        In 1909, Brother Hagstrom entered the Chicago       10 September 1969.
     College of Dental Surgery and graduated on 4 June
     1912. He moved to Lewistown, Montana, where he
     opened his dental practice.  He was active with the
     Montana State Dental Association and the National
     Dental Association, and the local dental society.
       Dr. Hagstrom was very active in civic matters of
     the Lewistown community. He was active with the
     Elks and was a Past Exalted Ruler of the Lewistown
     Lodge. Francis Hagstrom was an active member
     of the Lewistown Chamber of Commerce and the
     local Rotary Club. He was a Past Patron of the Marie
     Chapter of the OES. He was a member and Elder of
     the First Presbyterian Church.
       Brother Hagstrom received his Masonic Degrees in
     Lewistown Lodge No. 37. Initiated 26 March 1908,
     Passed 25 April 1908, and Raised to the Sublime
     Degree of a Master Mason on 9 May 1908. On his
     return to Lewistown aft er attending Dental College
     became very active with Masonry. He was elected
     Worshipful Master of his Lodge in 1916 and again in
     1919. He served as Lodge Secretary 1920-1921.
       He was exalted in the Royal Arch on 8 September
     1909, in Hiram Chapter No. 15, and dubbed and
     created a Knight Templar on 22 March 1917, in
     Calvary Commandery No. 14, both of Lewistown.  He
     was a noble of the Algeria Shrine.

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