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o'er the grave of buried friendship, place springs of the   faith is the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood
     evergreen, moistened with tears.                       of  Man.  Again  thanking  you  ladies  for  your  beautiful
                                                            testimonials, be assured that the Masons of Helena will
      Th  e banners were presented to the standard bearers
     designated, and on behalf of the lodges thus handsomely   ever remember with gratitude the generous donors while
     favored, Sol Star, W.M. King Solomon Lodge No. 9, made   their hearts are alive to good impulses and memory stands
     the following                                          a willing servitor to strike the chimes of aff ection's sweetest
                         RESPONSE                             "In life's labors, each of us have our duties and mission,
                                                            and when our labors here are ended and we are called by
      Mrs. Pinney, and Ladies of Helena:
                                                            the Great Master of that Lodge which shall be opened in the
      "Upon me devolves the pleasant duty of sincerely  Councils of Eternity, if we come duly and truly prepared,
     thanking you on behalf of the Masonic Fraternity of Helena  we shall meet and be welcomed where Peace and Good
     for the beautiful banners you have presented us, and the  Will reign supreme, and "the banner over us is Love."
     kind words spoken in due season, with which they were
     accompanied. While the banners shall grace our lodge     Th  e presentation scene was one of the happiest it has
     room and be treasured as mementos of this occasion, the  been our pleasure to witness. Although a strong breeze was
     words shall ever be treasured as carefully in our memories.  blowing, rendering enunciation extremely diffi  cult,  the
     Not only does the color of these silken banners represent  address of Mrs. Pinney was heard by the entire Order. With
     those  cardinal  tenets  of  your  Order,  Truth,  Friendship  the venerable Knight by her side; the trio of ladies Mrs. J.
     and Fidelity, but its empyreal hue, born in heaven and  G. Sanders, Mrs. Wm. Mather and Mrs. James McPherson,
     mirrored in the boundless sea, is the emblem of Fidelity,  in the background, holding the banners, that as the elegant
     ever reminding us that when life's tempest has passed we  presentation was made, fl uttered with vigorous eagerness
     will fi nd sure anchorage in the haven above. Th  ey are not  to be placed in the hands of the deputation; the dense
     blazoned with the devices of war, nor do they tell of tented  assemblage pressing up to hear the speakers; the white-
     fi elds  and  sanguinary  strife.  Peace  hath  her  victories,  aproned and gloved Masters; the superbly dressed Chapter
     nobler far, and the gentle winds may caress these tinted  and Council, and the gallant looking Knights Templar,
     folds as they would toy with the lily by yonder river's  formed in the cordon about the Deputy Grand Master and
     marge, or salute the delicate daisy on the mountainside.  the Great Light of Masonry, we are assured in asserting
     You have well and fi tly expressed some of the purposes of  it a bright, beautiful and attractive picture, although in
     Masonry, and though many are beyond the portals of our  miniature. Th  e Response was fi nely delivered, and if the
     Order, none are beyond its infl uences.                speaker erred, it was not expressing fully enough the
      "In other ages and beyond the seas, was reared a temple by   gratitude felt by every Mason to the ladies who placed them
     skillful artisans. Its pieces were fashioned in the forest and   under such a weighty obligation.
     quarry; its great columns were raised, and as its majestic
     proportions grew into beauty and symmetry, the sound of   Th  e Procession moved over nearly the entire route
     the gavel was not heard therein; yet its colossal grandeur   designated, Brays Band discoursing fi ne music and the
     and ornate beauty was the pride and glory of the earth,   town turning out to witness the sight. A shower somewhat
     and as centuries rolled over it, its architects and builders   abbreviated  the  march  and  facilitated  the  ingress  to  the
     received from succeeding generations the award of merit.   Church. Here the Helena Glee Club, sung an anthem as
     So labor Masons; not with loud declaim in public places,   the Craft  entered, and aft er prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. A.
     but laying the plummet and level to their actions, prepare   M. Hough, the Orator of the Day, D.G.M John Potter was
     in the heart good deeds that shall fi t into the great moral   introduced and delivered the Address. No better evidence
     temple. You, who are not conversant with the mysteries of   of its merit is needed than that the audience, fi lling the
     the craft , have this day evinced that you discern the good   Church to its utmost capacity, listened with rapt attention,
     results. To those who give it but a passing thought, Masonry   and in silence, that the slightest footfall would have rudely
     may appear exclusive, selfi sh and of contracted infl uences.   disturbed, for one hour and twenty minutes. It was replete
     It is not our province to laud its praises or proclaim its   with the most interesting Masonic history and incidents,
     virtues, yet the generous confi dence you have this day   and was distinctly heard by all. We are pleased to note that
     evinced by word and deed, would suggest the expression   its publication in pamphlet form will enable it to be placed
     that man in all ages and circumstances, has demanded by   in the hands of every Mason in Montana. On the motion of
     divine authority, ere another shall be taken to his heart, his   D. I. G. M. Lane, a unanimous vote of thanks was returned
     confi dence, his family fi re-side or altar - he be proven and   to the ladies of Helena for the banners, and to Mrs. Geo. M.
     found worthy. Th  is Masonry asks and no more. He may   Pinney for the manner of their presentation. Owing to the
     come in the garment of Princes or in the rags of poverty,   unpropitious indications of the weather, quite a number
     clothed in authority or a hewer of wood and a bearer of   who would otherwise have been in the lines, were absent,
     burdens, and knock with desire upon our gates. Th ere is   but, as it was, the Fraternity was well represented, and
     but one qualifi cation demanded ere they are opened unto   from Entered Apprentices in untucked Aprons to Knights
     him, but that is essential - a prepared heart.         Templar on prancing chargers, we apprehend none will
      "In conclusion, permit me to say that we accept these   remember St. John's Day, '68, in Helena, without a thrill of
     banners as the standards of a Fraternity whose essential
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