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Neil Howie
                               Second U.S. Marshal of Montana Territory

       Neil Howie was born at Kilmaurs,                            On 18 July 1867, Governor Green Clay Smith
     Ayrshire, Scotland, around 1833. At                         appointed Neil Howie as Colonel of the First
     the age of 6 years in 1840,  he with                        Regiment of Montana Volunteers. Th  at summer, he
     his family immigrated to the United                         led 300 men to an area near Martinsdale to prevent
     States. Th  ey settled around Vienna                        an Indian uprising, which never materialized in that
     and later Madison, Wisconsin, where                         locale.
     he was raised.
                                                                   Neil Howie completed his term as Marshal and
       Neil felt the calling of the west and                     was succeeded in offi  ce by William F. Wheeler in
     relocated to Colorado for a short time.                     the  Spring  of  1869;  he  continued  on  as  a  Deputy
     In  1863,  he  moved  to  the  Montana                      until that winter.  William F. Wheeler served as U.S.
     Territory. He prospected for gold and                       Marshal from 15 May 1869 until 8 April 1878.
     worked as a freighter between Salt
     Lake and the Beaverhead Madison                               In 1870, Neil Howie left  Montana for Wyoming
     country.                                                    to assist his brother, Andrew, who had pleaded self-
                                                            defense and was on trial in Cheyenne. Andrew Howie's
       During a freight trip from Salt Lake in January of 1864,   trial was the fi rst jury with women that was convened
     Howie single-handedly captured the road agent "Dutch   in the Wyoming, Territory. Andrew was found guilty of
     John" Wagner and turned him over to the Vigilance      manslaughter, although his guilt was questionable. Th e
     Committee. Neil Howie's name is on the list of the men   Judge sentenced him to ten years at hard labor for murder.
     who comprised the Montana Vigilantes members, and      Neil Howie worked for his brother's release; aft er  two
     he oft en worked with the Committee of Safety to rid the   years, Andrew was paroled from the Detroit Prison, he
     territory of outlaws.                                  remained in Michigan for several years before he returned
                                                            to Wisconsin.
       In April of 1864, Robert C. Knox, Sheriff  of Madison
     County, appointed Neil Howie as Deputy Sheriff .  Later   Neil Howie remained in the Wyoming/Colorado vicinity
     that summer, Neil Howie was elected Sheriff  of Madison   until 1872, then relocated to Utah.
                                                              In 1874, Howie was enticed to travel to South America.
       In July of 1865, Neil Howie was appointed as Deputy   Th  ere are confl icting accounts as to when and where Neil
     U.S. Marshal in the Montana Territory by U.S. Marshal   Howie died. A prevailing story is that Howie contracted
     George M. Pinney. He turned over the Sheriff 's Offi  ce that   malaria and died around the age of 40, in April of 1874,
     September to Andy Snyder. Neil traveled to Helena in the   while employed as Assistant Superintendent of the
     company of two other Deputy Marshal's John X. Beidler   Remington Company's Quartz Works on Trinidad Island,
     and John Featherstun, assisting U.S. Marshal Pinney    or near the mouth of the Oronoco River, Venezuela. Or he
     enforcing the law and helping make Montana a safe place   died from fever near Cayenne, French Guiana, as late as
     to live.                                               1878.

       Brother Neil Howie was a Charter Member of Virginia
     City Lodge No. 1 in 1866. Also in 1866, he moved his
     membership to Morning Star Lodge No. 5, in Helena,               Compiled by: Reid Gardiner, Editor

       In February 1866, Territorial Governor Th omas Francis
     Meagher appointed Neil Howie as Colonel in the Second
     Regiment of Territorial Volunteers.

       On the resignation of George Pinney as U.S. Marshal on
     17 March 1867, Howie was appointed as U.S. Marshal for
     the Montana Territory, serving from 18 March 1867 until
     11 May 1869.
       On 24 April 1867, he was appointed Aide-de-camp
     with the rank of Colonel. On 7 May 1867, Neil Howie was
     appointed as Brigadier General of the Volunteers.

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