Page 33 - Jan 2021 MFM.indd
P. 33

Bannack School House 0RQWDQD¶V ¿UVW WHUULWRULDO FDSLWDO  %DQQDFN  LV QRZ D JKRVW WRZQ SUHVHUYHG DV D 6WDWH 3DUN  %XLOW LQ       WKH 6FKRRO DQG /RGJH VWLOO VWDQGV  today. A sign above the door reads: First Floor - School House, Second Floor - Masonic Lodge. I had a nice walk right down the main street  at sunset, the entire town to myself. It is amazing to s

                                                                                                              Author: Kevin League
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