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Celebrating St. John's Day 1868
               Mrs. Flora Pinney - Presented the First Lodge Banners in the Territory
                                               Reid Gardiner - Editor

     The following is from The Montana Post Newspaper,                       "Th  ink not the good,
     Vol. 4, No. 42, Friday, June 28, 1868.                         Th  e gentle deeds of mercy thou hast done,
                                                                   Shall die forgotten all; the poor, the pris'ner.
                        June 24th, 1868                            Th  e fatherless, the friendless, and the widow,
                                                                     Who daily own the bounty of thy hand.
      Th  roughout the world yesterday, that Fraternity existing   Shall cry to heaven and pull a blessing on thee."
     in every land and among all people; the Brothers of
     the mystic tie who converse and hold communion in        It is admiration for the principles your order seeks to
     a language that Babe's discord has not touched from  inculcate that has prompted me to appear before you, on
     Occident to Orient, celebrated the anniversary of St. John  behalf of the ladies of Helena, to present a slight testimonial
     the Baptist. No other Craft  or Order or Association is so  to each Masonic Lodge in this city. Th  erefore, in the name
     world-wide and universal, and the quarter-million active  of the ladies of Helena, I present:
     Masons of America, celebrating here in the New World
     in the Nineteenth century, the anniversary of a patron of   Helena Lodge No. 3, this banner. "You were the fi rst to
     the order in the earliest years of the Era, attests that time  begin the good work in this place of teaching man to be
     strengthens and extends its infl uence and numbers.    true to his fellow-man and to reverence the name of Deity.
                                                            Please accept it with our thanks and God speed you in
      It was deemed fi tting that the Masons of Helena, whose  well-doing."
     various orders fl ourish, and work skillfully and in harmony,
     should publicly celebrate the day. Th  e ceremonies were   "Th  is banner is presenting to Morning Star Lodge No.
     the presentation of Banners to each of the Blue Lodges of   5, because you have so nobly seconded the work of making
     Helena; a Procession, Oration, and musical entertainment.   life pleasant, that eternity may be joyous. Pray accept it for
     At 5 p.m., the orders were formed and marched to the   the ladies of Helena, with the hope that each of you may
     square in front of the Court House, where a hollow square   become a brighter star in the Grand Lodge above."
     was formed. Quite a large number of ladies and gentlemen
     were assembled to witness the presentation. J. R. Boyce,   "I have been told that every good Mason receives wages;
     T.I.G.M., Royal and Select Masters of Virginia City Council   so should every lodge receive a testimonial. Hence, I present
     No. 1, introduced Mrs. Flora Pinney (wife of George M.   to King Solomon's Lodge No. 9 this banner from the ladies
     Pinney, former U.S. Marshal for the Montana Territory),   of Helena, who are not unmindful that you have been truly
     who presented a trio of beautiful silken banners, inscribed   characterized as men who never tire on an errand of mercy
     with the names of the respective Lodges, in the following:  to a worthy brother. Your labors for good have given you
                                                            high rank in the esteem of those who 'have faith in God,
                          ADDRESS                           hope in immortality, and charity to all mankind."
     GENTLEMEN OF THE MASONIC FRATERNITY:                     May I not, in conclusion, express the hope that to these
      It has been written that Masonry admonishes its votaries,  Societies, someday, maybe applied the language with slight
     "to have faith in God, hope in immortality and charity to  modifi cation, which a Statesman - a patriot and a poet, has
     all mankind."                                          given to our country:
      Th  ere is a majestic beauty in the form of these Masonic
     expressions, which should command the attention of even   "Man looked in scorn, but Heaven beheld, and blest,
     the casual reader, and forbids any feeble attempt of mine   Its branchy glories, spreading o'er the West.
     to amplify.                                              No summer fl ower, the wonder of a day.
                   "To have Faith in God."                    Born but to bloom, and then to fade away,
       Th  ere is an awful grandeur in these words            Majestic oaks, they lift  their loft y form.
      "Faith lights us through the dark to Deity.             Green in the sun and strengthens in the storm.
       Whilst without sight, we witness that she shows        Long in the shade, may children's children come.
      More God, than in his works, our eyes can see.          And welcome earth's poor wanderers to a home.
       Th  ough none but those works the Godhead              Long may they live, and every blast defy,
          knows."                                             Till Time's last whirlwind sweeps the vaulted sky."
                  "Immortality o'er sweeps
      All pains, all tears, all fears - and peals             GENTLEMEN: May these societies deserve a portion of
      Like eternal thunders of the deep,                    this sublime eulogium; and may each one of you, in aft er
      Into my ears, this truth, thou liv'st forever.        life, when looking back to his fraternal relations, enjoy the
                                                            grateful refl ection that you have done something for the
      In the words, "to have Charity for all mankind," there is a  melioration of man - something for the honor of Society.
    sweet appeal, to the noblest instincts of the soul.     May it be yours, so to live, that as you pass on to the tomb,
                                                            there may be many kind friends to follow you there, and
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