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Montana Masonic Museum
                                    New Acquisitions

     Th  e Montana Masonic Foundation, Inc., as the owner of the Montana Masonic Museum, does from time to
     time add signifi cant acquisitions to the collection. Recently, several pieces were acquired and are in the process
     of being added to the display.

                                                                Henry Deringer Percussion Pistol, NVSN, .41,
                                                              1 3/4-inch barrel. Circa 1850's.

                                                                Th  e item was the personal pistol of Samuel Hauser;
                                                              he brought it with him when he arrived in Bannack,
                                                              Montana, in 1862.

       Samuel T. Hauser was born                              In 1884, he served as a delegate to the Democratic
     10 January 1833 at Falmouth,                           National Convention. He was a candidate for the 1893
     Kentucky. He moved to Missouri to                      Senate seat until he withdrew.
     work as a Civil Engineer working
     for various Railroad companies.                          President Grover Cleveland appointed Samuel Hauser as
     He traveled west, arriving at Fort                     the Seventh Territorial Governor of the Montana Territory,
     Benton in June 1862; he later settled                  serving 14 July 1885 to 7 February 1887. He was the fi rst
     at Bannack.                                            territorial resident to be appointed Governor.

        Along with N. P. Langford                             In 1887, he was in a partnership with the Northern
     organized the S. T. Hauser and                         Pacifi c Railroad in building the spur lines for the Helena-
     Company Bank in Virginia City in                       Boulder Valley & Butte Railway. And the spur lines for the
     1865. In 1866,  he organized the First National Bank of   Helena & Jeff erson County, the Drummond & Philipsburg,
     Helena, followed by opening Banks in Butte, Fort Benton,   the Helena & Red Mountain, the Helena  Northern, and
     and Missoula. In 1893, a silver panic caused his bank to   the Missoula & Bitterroot Valley.
     fail. Th  e following year his bank in Helena merged with
     Helena National Bank and reopened, with Hauser keeping    Hauser invested in several hydropower developments on
     his offi  ce as president.                             the Missouri River. In 1896, he formed the Helena Water
                                                            and Electric Company and built the Canyon Ferry Dam.
       In 1866, Hauser formed St. Louis & Montana Mining    In 1900, he formed the Missouri River Power Company. In
     Company and built Montana Territory's fi rst smelter at   1905 the company selling power to Amalgamated Copper
     Argenta, Montana.                                      Company in Butte.  During 1905 - 1906 he built several
                                                            dams, which failed. In 1907, he completed the Hauser Dam
       He was a member of the 1870 Washburn-Langford-       on the Missouri River near Helena; at the time, it was one
     Doane Expedition into what is now Yellowstone National   of only three steel dams in the world.  It operated for just
     Park. Along with others, his eff orts helped lead to the   over a year before it burst on 14 April 1908. By 1910 he had
     preservation of the Yellowstone area and Yellowstone   rebuilt Hauser Dam near Helena.
     National Park's creation.
                                                              Brother Hauser was a member of Helena Lodge No. 3,
       Hauser became involved in various mining companies.   Helena, Montana.
     One of his largest mining businesses was the Helena &
     Livingston Smelting and Reduction Company. He joined     Brother Hauser died in Helena, Montana, on 10
     a partnership with A. J. Davis and Granville Stuart in   November 1914 and was buried in the Forestvale
     the DHS Cattle Company became the Pioneer Cattle       Cemetery, Helena, Montana.
     Company in 1883.
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 37                                                 Jan/Feb 2021   Volume 97 No. 1
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