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Montana Freemason                                         April 2017                                               Volume 93   Number 1
                                          Guest Speaker for the 151st Session
                                  Dan Hrinko, author of The Craft Driven Lodge

                                 W. Brother Hrinko is the Deputy    The annual meeting closes with a discussion of the
                               District  Grand  Master  for  the  9th  goals, and activities the members want in the upcoming
                               Masonic  District  of  the  Grand  year.  Brother  Hrinko  reminds  us  that  not  everyone
                               Lodge  of  Ohio.  Initiated  in  1977,  is  interested  in  the  same  kind  of  lodge  experience,
                               he  has  served  as  Master  of  Clark  that  men  come  to  our  fraternally  for  various  reasons.
                               Lodge, No. 101 in Springfield, and  Therefore, Arts & Sciences Lodge should not be used
                               Arts  &  Sciences  Lodge  No.  792  as a blue print. He goes on to say “We [Arts & Sciences
                               in Columbus. His book, The Craft  Lodge] are not ‘better than’ any other lodge. We do not
                               Driven  Lodge,  which  outlines  the  ‘know more’ than any other lodge. We do not do things
                               success  of  the  Arts  &  Sciences  ‘the  right  way’  compared  to  other  lodges…  There  is
                               Lodge.                             one claim we should wish to make, if it can be made
                                                                  honestly: the claim to interesting meeting.”
              After  joining  the  Ohio  Lodge  of  Research  and
            beginning to read the works of authors like Carl Claudy
            and Albert Mackey, Daniel Hrinko began to realize that
            his lodge, the lodge where he served two separate terms
            as worshipful master, had failed him.

              Hrinko  quickly  learned  the  ritual  and  performed  it
            as  mandated  by  the  grand  lodge,  without  additions,
            deletions  or  variations,  and  with  all  of  the  required
            actions and gestures done at the appropriate time. What
            his  lodge  failed  to  do  is  provide  an  understanding  of
            the ritual; the words, phrases and more importantly the
            lessons contained in the ritual.

              This  failure  gave  birth  to  the  concept  of  the  Craft
            Driven Lodge. A lodge where every member has a voice
            in lodge operations, understands the lodge’s vision and
            has an active role in the lodge.
              In  the  traditional  lodge  the  worshipful  master
            places the designs for “his year” on the trestle board.
            Conversely, in the Craft Driven Lodge the members of
            the  lodge  are  the  “Board  of  Directors”  who  establish
            the goals and activities for the upcoming year, while the
            worshipful master is the “CEO,” the person responsible
            for ensuring that the board of director’s plans are carried
            out. However, in the end the worshipful master is still
            responsible for ensuring that the rules, regulations and
            requirements of the grand lodge are obeyed.

              In the first section of the book Hrinko introduces the
            concept and the four key principles of the Craft Driven
            Lodge.  Section two is a case study that explains how
            Arts & Sciences Lodge No. 792 applied the concept and
            principles presented in the first section.

              Arts  &  Sciences  Lodge  No.  792  was  started  by  a
            group  of  brothers  who  enjoy  stimulating  Masonic
            discussion  and  the  in-depth  study  of  speculative
            masonry.  They put formal practices in place to ensure
            each member has a voice in how the lodge operates.  For
            example, their annual meeting starts with an evaluation
            of  the  quality  of  the  past  year’s  Masonic  experience.
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