Page 12 - MFM April 2017
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Montana Freemason                                         April 2017                                               Volume 93   Number 1  Montana Freemason                                         April 2017                                               Volume 93   Number 1
                                              GOODNIGHT SOLDIER

                                                      Song by: Bro. Harry Johnson (38)

             The importance of music to morale at home and         During the funeral service at Dowling Chapel in
          overseas during World War II can’t be denied, and it  Hamilton.  Included  in  the  services  were  two  songs
          was proliferated by the abundance of the radio. Radio  written by Harry Johnson, which was sung by Mrs.
          made it possible to for many new song writers and  E.G.  Brownlee  who  was  accompanied  by  Mrs.
          singers to become recognizable and provide a boost  Wallace McCrackin. The songs were: “God’s Garden
          to service men abroad and families at home. It was  of Love: and “Come Take My Hand.”
          an  era  of  swing,  blues  and  country  and  big  bands.
          The music touches all emotions from fun and hope,        The  song  Good  Night  Soldier  was  covered  by
          longing, loss, and love and lifted the American spirit. several  artists  including  Pasty  Montana  &  Her
                                                                Pardners; Martha Mears and most widely known as
             Once  such  song  writer  was  Harry  W.  Johnson.  sung by Judy Canova.
          Harry W. Johnson was born in Waverly, PA January 5,
          1886. He moved to the Pacific coast where he met and
          wed Jeannette Summers, who hailed from the Bitter               GOODNIGHT SOLDIER
          Root Valley in Montana. After they had married they                (BY: Harry W. Johnson)
          moved to California. In 1918, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
          move  to  an  area  just  east  of  Corvallis  which  they   Dusky Shadows come to hide you
          farmed until 1921 then moved to Oregon until 1934           Twilight steals the day
          when they returned to Montana and acquired the Sula         Where you are, I’m there beside you
          Store.  The  Johnson’s  acquired  real  property  at  the   Though you’re far away
          mouth of Ross Hole where they erected a new store
          with  living  quarters  and  some  tourist  cabins  which   Good night soldier, wherever you may be
          they operated until 1948. Later buying a home near          My heart’s lonely without you
          the Grantsdale bridge. They lived there for five years      Good night soldier, taps or reveille
          when  they  sold  and  acquired  a  home  at  500  South    Finds me dreaming about you
          Fourth  St,  Hamilton.  Harry  Johnson  spent  several
          years  engaged  upholstery  at  Hamilton.  He  was  a       Someday skies will change to blue
          member of the Presbyterian Church in Hamilton and           Smiles will lighten sorrow **
          for some years oversaw the choir at that church.            Good night soldier, angles walk with you
                                                                      Keep you through each tomorrow
             Harry W. Johnson was also a member of the Ionic
          Masonic Lodge No. 38, he was initiated as an Entered        (Instrumental Break)
          Apprentice on February 3, 1941; Passed to the Degree
          of a Fellow Craft on February 27, 1941; and Raised          Good night soldier, wherever you may be
          to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason on March            My heart’s lonely without you
          27, 1941.                                                   Good night soldier, taps or reveille
                                                                      Finds me dreaming about you
             He had a passion for song writing; he wrote western
          songs, ballads, sacred songs, and patriotic songs. Two      Someday skies will change to blue
          of his songs have been poplar in Montana, “Have you         Smiles will lighten sorrow **
          Ever Seen Montana” and “In the Bitter Root Valley”.         Good night soldier, angles walk with you
                                                                      Keep you through each tomorrow
             But  his  most  important  work  was  “Good  Night       Good Night!
          Soldier”  which  won  national  acclaim  during World
          War II and was featured in a No. 1 song hit over radio
          by nations stars. He tried to leave a song in the heart
          of all who knew him.
                                                                ** In the Judy Canova recording, this line is sung as
                                                                “Smiles will banish sorrow”

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