Page 19 - MFM April 2017
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Montana Freemason                                         April 2017                                               Volume 93   Number 1
                                               Information for Session

                                                                        Dues Cards Presented at Session
                           Attire for Session
                                                                    Current  Dues  Card:  the  current  Dues  Card  will
                                                                  need to be presented at check in and Registration at
             Thursday, June 22th                                  Session.
             Grand Lodge Officers – Black Tuxedo
             Visiting Dignitaries – Black Tuxedo                    The  current  dues  card  will  be  Red  in  color  and
             Masons – Tux or Suit                                 show the expiration date of December 31, 2017.The
             Ladies – Complimentary to the men                    barcode on the dues card will be scanned to expedite
                                                                  check in and verify voting status.
             Friday, June 23th
             Session                                                Failure to bring and present your 2017 Dues Card
             Grand Lodge Officers – Black Tuxedos                 may result in you not being allowed to participate in
             Visiting Dignitaries - Suit or Coat & Tie            Session.
             Masons – Suit or Coat & Tie

             Master Masons Banquet                                              Aprons For Session
             All,- Business Casual
             Ladies –  Complimentary to the men                     Again this year all officers are encouraged to bring
                                                                  and  wear  the  apron  appropriate  to  their  office  or
             Saturday, June 24th                                  station within the Lodge. Also, all Past Masters are
             Session                                              encouraged to wear their Past Master’s Apron.
             Grand Lodge Officers – Black Tuxedo
             Visiting Dignitaries – Suit or Coat & Tie              There will be a limited number of plain paper aprons
             Masons – Suit or Coat & Tie                          available for use. The lamb skin apron is the prized
                                                                  possession of every Mason. In order to protect it from
             Installation Grand Lodge Officers                    the deterioration of frequent use, it is customary to
             Grand Lodge Officers – Black Tuxedo                  wear as a substitute, a white cloth apron supplied by
             Visiting Dignitaries – Suit or Coat & Tie            the Lodge. Some Lodges provide special aprons with
             Masons – Suit or Coat & Tie                          blue trim and appropriate emblems for their officers,
             Ladies – complimentary to the men                    and most Grand Lodges have more elaborate aprons
                                                                  for their officers. To be “properly clothed,” a Mason
             Reception for new Grand Master and Officers          must wear the apron in Lodge unless, as an officer,
             All Masons – Suit or Coat & Tie                      he wears the appropriate apron supplied him by the
             Ladies – complimentary to the men                    Lodge or Grand Lodge.
             PGM’s – Shorts and Hawaiian
                                                                    Within the Grand Jurisdiction of Montana Masons
                                                                  always  wear  their  aprons  outside  of  clothing;  not
                                                                  under the coat or jacket.

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