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Montana Freemason                                         April 2017                                               Volume 93   Number 1  Montana Freemason                                         April 2017                                               Volume 93   Number 1
                                Proxies                                   Worshipful Master’s Duty

            Whenever  the  Master,  Senior  Warden  or  Junior                 To Attend Session
          Warden  cannot  attend  the  annual  communication
          he  may  grant  a  proxy,  in  writing,  to  some  member  Every  year,  Worshipful  Masters  and  Wardens
          of his Lodge to act in his stead. The proxy must be   promise  to  submit  to  the  “ancient  charges  and
          issued by him at least two days prior to the annual   regulations of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.”
          communication and he must notify the other officers   Before being installed. These charges “point out the
          of  the  granting  of  the  proxy.  The  proxy  card  must   duties of a Master of a Lodge,” and are deemed so
          be  presented  when  checking  in  and  registration.  If   important that they are read to ensure accuracy.
          either the Master, Senior Warden or Junior Warden
          has died during his term of office or has permanently   What  do  these  charges  mean?  Here  is  some  food
          moved  from  this  jurisdiction,  the  Lodge  may,  at  a   for thought. You promise a regular attendance on the
          regular  meeting  held  at  least  two  days  prior  to  the   committees and Communications of the Grand Lodge
          annual communication, elect a proxy for such officer.   on receiving proper notice and to pay attention to all
          If the member designated as proxy does not use it; the   the  duties  of  Masonry  on  convenient  occasions.  A
          credential cannot be used by anyone else. If a proxy   Lodge is a constituent of the Grand Lodge when in
          is being given, it should be given to a member of the   session. In order for a lodge to be an indispensable
          Lodge other than a Past Master, as they have a vote.   component,  it  must  be  represented.  Thus,  its
          If attending as a Proxy, the member must present his   presence is mandatory, either personally or by proxy.
          current Montana Dues Card and the Proxy card to the   Additionally, our Code requires that each Lodge be
          registration committee. Tie Vote. The Grand Master    represented  by  the  attendance  of  their  Master  and
          shall have a regular vote in all Matters before Grand   Wardens.
          Lodge. In the case of a tie vote, he may also cast the
          deciding vote.
                                                                       Concerning Balloting and Voting
          Each  chartered  and  duly  constituted  Lodge  shall   In  Anderson’s  Constitutions  and  in  Mackey’s
          be  represented  in  Grand  Lodge  at  every  non- Jurisprudence,  we  find  that  the  “immemorial
          ceremonial  communication  by  one  or  more  of  its  usages” concerning balloting and electing that it be
          Master and Wardens, or by an elected representative.  independent  and  secret.  The  secrecy  of  the  ballot
          Where a Master or Warden is unable to attend, the  is as essential to its perfection as its unanimity and
          lodge  Instructor  shall  be  given  the  preferential  its  independence.  We  frequently  hear  those  who
          representation.                                       propose we change our procedures to match that of
                                                                political parties or other organizations in the name of
                                                                transparency but to do so and give away the ballot
                                                                secrecy would be un-masonic.
                        Notice for Balloting
                     On Grand Lodge Officers                      On  legislation  M.W.  Brother  Dean  Lindahl  (5),
                                                                Grand  Secretary  (1982-2001)  frequently  stated  that
            During  the  151th  Annual  Communication,  the  “The only good legislation, is legislation that will do
          voting  delegates  will  be  voting  for  the  following  something for the Mason in his Lodge that he can see,
          officers:                                             and makes the Lodge better.”
                   Deputy Grand Master
                   Senior Grand Warden
                   Junior Grand Warden
                   Grand Treasurer                                     Presentation of Lodge Banners
                   Grand Secretary
          The  various  duties,  requirements  and  eligibility  of   Continuing with the long-standing tradition, Lodges
          these  officers  are  specified  within  the  Constitution  are  again  requested  to  bring  their  Lodge  Banner
          and Code of Statutes.                                 for  display  during  the  Annual  Communication.  The
                                                                Banners will be posted about the Lodge room. Please
                                                                make  arrangements  to  ensure  that  your  Lodge  is
                                                                represented with your banner.

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