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Montana Freemason                                         April 2017                                               Volume 93   Number 1  Montana Freemason                                         April 2017                                               Volume 93   Number 1

                             GRAND MASTER’S PROPOSED RECOMMENDATION NO. 1

          A Recommendation to amend Section 25050 of the Code of Statutes to provide a penalty should a
          Masonic Lodge of this Jurisdiction fail to attend the Annual Grand Lodge Communication for three
          years in a row and to provide for an exemption to the penalty upon the Grand Master requesting said
          dispensation from the majority of the Brothers assembled at the Annual Communication.

          Be it resolved that:
          Section 25050 of the Code be amended to read as follows:

          25050.  Representation at Grand Lodge.  Each chartered and duly constituted lodge shall be represented in
          Grand Lodge at every non-ceremonial communication by one or more of its Master and Wardens or by an
          elected representative.  Where a Master or Warden is unable to attend the lodge Instructor shall be given the
          preferential representation.  Any Lodge failing to be represented at the Annual Communication after three
          consecutive years shall have their Charter suspended.  If the Grand Master is provided reasonable rationale
          for non-attendance prior to the conclusion of the Annual Communication, he may waive the suspension after
          a majority vote (620).

                                                                                       Submitted February 22, 2017.

                                                                                         Lewis K. Smith
                                                                           MW Grand Master AF & AM of Montana

          Grand Master’s Explanation for the Recommendation
          The current Code does not spell out the penalty for not having a representative at the Annual Communication.
          This resolution provides a proposed action to be imposed and a method for avoiding the action should the
          Grand Master believe there is reasonable justification for failing to attend the Annual Communication and
          the Craft agrees.

          Committee on Jurisprudence Comments:
          This Grand Masters Recommendation was received in proper form and meets the requirements of proposed
          Legislation. It seeks to allow for a penalty to be imposed on any Lodge failing to have representation at the
          Annual Communication after three consecutive years shall have their Charter suspended. This legislation will
          amend Section 25050 of the Code of Statutes and will require, as per “Section 50320 A two-thirds vote of the
          member’s present shall be required to alter, amend or repeal these Statutes.”

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