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Montana Freemason                                         April 2017                                               Volume 93   Number 1
                               GRAND MASTER’S PROPOSED RECOMMENDATION NO. 3
 A  Recommendation  to  amend  the  Constitution  Section  470  to  provide  that  the  Grand  Master’s   A  Recommendation  to  amend  the  Code  of  Statutes  Section  50310  to  provide  that  the  Grand
 Recommendations  shall  be  due  10  days  after  the  due  date  for  Resolutions  and  Committee   Master’s Recommendations shall be due 10 days after the due date for Resolutions and Committee
 Recommendations.      Recommendations.

 Be it resolved that:  Be it resolved that:
 That Section 470 of the Constitution be amended to read as follows:  That Section 50310 of the Code be amended to read as follows:

 470.  TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS.  Transaction of business in Grand Lodge at its annual communication   50310.  PRESENTATION.  Proposed amendments to these statutes shall be presented by written resolution
 shall be upon written resolutions sponsored and submitted by a constituent lodge of this jurisdiction and   sponsored and submitted by a constituent lodge of this jurisdiction or by Grand Master’s recommendation
 reports and Grand Master’s recommendations and decisions. All resolutions, standing committee reports,   or by Committee Report.  All such Resolutions and Committee Reports shall be submitted in writing to
 and Grand Master’s recommendations which recommend changes in the statutes or work shall be submitted   the Grand Secretary at least 120 days prior to the opening of the Annual Communication.  Grand Master
 in writing to the Grand Secretary at least 120 days prior to the opening of the annual communication and   Recommendations shall be due ten days after the due date for Resolutions and Committee Reports.
 shall automatically be considered as business at the annual communication unless withdrawn. Grand Master
 Recommendations shall be due ten days after the due date for Resolutions and Committee Reports. This
 restriction shall not apply to emergent matters as emergency legislation and declared by consent of two-thirds   Submitted: February 22, 2017.
 vote of Grand Lodge or to decisions of the Grand Master which are included in his written message presented
 at the annual communication. All resolutions relating to expenditures of Grand Lodge funds must include   Lewis K. Smith
 an evaluation of the impact of the expenditure upon Grand Lodge finances and contain a recommendation                     MW Grand Master AF & AM of Montana
 relative to how it is to be paid for.

 Submitted: February 22, 2017

             Lewis K. Smith  Grand Mater’s Explanation for the Recommendation
                   MW Grand Master AF & AM of Montana   The current Code requires that the Grand Master’s Recommendations be submitted at the same time as the
            resolutions and committee reports. This does not allow the Grand Master to review the other legislation and
            causes duplication sometimes and the inability to draft supplemental legislation to that submitted by the

 Grand Mater’s Explanation for the Recommendation   Lodges and Committees.
 The current Code requires that the Grand Master’s Recommendations be submitted at the same time as the
 resolutions and committee reports. This does not allow the Grand Master to review the other legislation and
 causes duplication sometimes and the inability to draft supplemental legislation to that submitted by the   Committee on Jurisprudence Comments:
 Lodges and Committees.  This Grand Masters Recommendation seeks to amend Section 50310 of the Code of Statutes to allow the
            Grand Master an additional ten (10) days to submit his Recommendation, after the submission due date for
            Resolutions and Committee Reports. This legislation seeks to amend Section 50310 of the Code of Statutes

 Committee on Jurisprudence Comments:   and will require, as per “Section 50320 A two-thirds vote of the member’s present shall be required to alter,
            amend or repeal these Statutes.”
 This Grand Masters Recommendation seeks to amend Section 470 of the Constitution to allow the Grand
 Master  an  additional  ten  (10)  days  to  submit  his  Recommendation,  after  the  submission  due  date  for
 Resolutions and Committee Reports. Due to the reference of a Constitutional amendment; as per “Section
 810, this legislation, by direction of the Grand Master will be referred to a special committee for review
 and corrections as needed without changing its original intent and reported to the craft recommendation
 of passage or defeat. The Special Committee may concurrently recommend substantive amendments or a
 substitute  Constitutional  amendment. This  will  then  require  a  simple  majority  for  this  legislation  and/or
 amendments to be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence, who shall report thereon at the next annual
 communication at which time a three-fourths vote is in favor is required to be adopted and shall become a
 part of this Constitution at the close of that Communication.”

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