Page 4 - MFM Aug Sept 2019
P. 4

T he Office Of T he

                                 Gr and M aster of M ontana


      How many times have you used the word                             have not done an adequate job of enabling
     “Brother or Brothers” have you used it or                          our Brothers to be “Brothers” to be Masons.
     heard it so many times that the value and                          We need to do and be better.
     impact of the word has little meaning? Is the
     title of Brother the most important title you                        We often hear members state that they
     have? Are you more concerned or consumed                           joined and belong to the various Masonic
     by an offi  ce or station that you insist that you                 related organizations because they receive
     are called Most Worshipful, Right Worshipful                       more “Light in Masonry” by belonging to
     or Master? In our fraternity and throughout                        them. And certainly, there are attributes
     Masonry in general and all the plethora of                         within these various organizational bodies
     Masonic related organizations you see and                          that are of value to individual growth. But
     know and have met those who have come to    Lewie Fletcher, Grand Master  many of us have also seen that it is often only
     believe that their “title” is who they are and insist or are  because some seek individual self-gratifi cation and “glory”
     off ended when not addressed by their Title and given the  for the sake of new title, honor, color of hat, or a string
     honors associated with that title. These same individuals  of letters to write after your name. Leading us to believe
     have forgotten that the most important and meaningful  that perhaps being called Brother and wearing a White
     title they have been bestowed is that of Brother! They  Leather Apron has become passe and mundane, that some
     have become accustomed to wearing a Grand Lodge   of us have lost or failed to see all that blue Lodge Masonry
     collar and jewel and an apron with lots of gold and glitter,  has to off er;  and that the individual Lodge off ers a lifetime
     and have forsaken the precious white leather apron of a  of Light to seek and hold.  To truly achieve more light in
     Master Mason. Yes, my Brothers they are out there - they  an unselfi sh manner, one where you probably will not
     are among us - many of us are them.                    receive an ostentatious title or jewel, but one where you
                                                            will defi antly receive more light and make a signifi cant
      There are many important truths found in ancient craft  diff erence and potentially contribute to membership
     Masonry are, and among them is what our relationship  in the long term - get involved with our Masonic Youth
     with each other is supposed to be. How we interact with  groups: DeMolay, Job’s Daughters and Rainbow Girls.
     each other and how we treat each other ... are we Brothers?
     Or has the value and importance of being called Brother  Many of you have overheard me and others calling each
     and of wearing a white leather apron lost its appeal and  other “Shipmate,” those of us who served in the U.S. Navy
     signifi cance, is being a Mason no longer enough?      or U.S. Coast Guard use this term very much the same
                                                            way that as Masons we should use the term “Brother.”
      Perhaps if the world and more importantly our individual  We use the term shipmate most often as friends with a
     communities saw us displaying Brotherly Love we might  common experience and who have learned to work as
     actually interest more men in becoming a Mason,  a team. Onboard a ship the ship’s strength comes from
     maybe we would actually strengthen the membership,  its sailors just like the teammates make up the team.
     attendance, and quality of our individual Lodges and  Everyone plays a part in the success of anything we do and
     Grand Lodge.                                           accomplish. Our responsibility as shipmates is to do our
                                                            best at our assigned tasks and contribute to the readiness
      They are so many things - so many teachings - so much  of the ship. Together, as shipmates we achieve more, and
     at an individual can gain from being a Freemason, yet if  we are able accomplish incredible results. We achieve
     we are honest with ourselves, we know that we are not  operational readiness through proper training, unity, and
     and have not been doing a very good job at keeping our  cooperation. Yet the term shipmate means more than
     fraternity safe and secure and on a solid foundation. We   teamwork, we live and work together, regardless if we like
                                                            each other.
         Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 4                                            Aug/Sept  2019    Volume 95 No .6
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