Page 7 - MFM Aug Sept 2019
P. 7

The Hands of the Workmen

                               Reid Gardiner, R.W. Past Grand Secretary, Editor

         Otto Francis Wasmansdorff
          48th Grand Master (1913-1914)                                  1913-1914.  Our Brother was also a member of
                                                                         Algeria Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S and served as
       Most Worshipful Brother Wasmansdorff  was born                    Imperial Representative.
     in the city of Chicago on July 24, 1877, and attended
     the public schools and the German-American                           The following was said about Brother
     Academy in Chicago untill 1893. For three years                     Wasmansdorff  concering his life and death.
     following he pursued education and training at St.                  “His seat is vacant and his brethren mourn. May
     John’s Military Academy at Delafi eld, Wisconsin.                   he ever live in our memories as a man whose
     At the University of Wisconsin he took the full four                life is worthy of emulation. One of the great arts
     year course and graduated from the Engineering                      which has given form to the life and thought
     Department in 1900. In 1901 he came to Montana,                     of man is Architecture. Man is a builder. He
     locating at Lewistown.  He was engineer for the                     mentally pictures the design and draws upon
     Barnes-King and Kendall Mining Companies for                        the trestleboard of realization the plan of his
     two years. Was elected county surveyor of Fergus                    thought, which when completed, forms the
     county and served two terms. Served four years as                   structure of his physical necessity or spiritual
     city engineer of Lewistown. Was also United States                  aspiration. As Dr. Newton has said: “The fi rst
     deputy mineral surveyor. Otto F. Wasmansdorff                       great impulse of all architecture is the demand
     and George Eastman formed Wasmansdorff   and                        for shelter which includes a home for the soul.
     Eastman Architects in Lewistown. In 1902 he was married to   Throughout time the art of architecture has been mingled
     Miss Mary Louise Carlton of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who was   with a religious purpose. “Man has ever been trying to build to
     also a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.        heaven, embodying his prayer and his dream in brick and stone.”
       Our beloved Brother was a Montana-made Mason. He was   As he signifi cantly manifests himself in material architecture
     initiated in Lewistown Lodge No. 37, March 5, 1904; passed on   so he also displays his genius in spiritual architecture in
     March 19, 1904, and raised April 5, 1904. In 1908 he was chosen   the construction of the unseen Temple. The elements of
     Master of his lodge and displayed so much zeal and ability in   sacrifi ce, accuracy of workmanship and permanency were the
     that station that he was reelected in 1909. It was during his   fundamental ideals of the ancient builders as they endeavored
     term as Master that their new Masonic Temple was built,   to procure the best of materials and skilled workmen which
     largely through the instrumentality of Brother Wasmansdorff .    made for permanency in the structure which they sought.
     He was an architect and designed and superintended the   Light was their religion and Darkness was evil and death. These
     building of the present Masonic Temple.                elements are the foundation stones of Masonry, material and
                                                            moral, in the need and aspiration of man. The votaries of our
       In Grand Lodge he was fi rst given an appointment by Grand   Institution by faith in quest of the ideal with a love for the light
     Master Nolan as Junior Grand Deacon. He proved a valuable   of knowledge are enabled to build the unseen structure more
     working member of Grand Lodge and was steadily given   serene and beautiful in accordance with the divine plan. Our
     advancement and by election became Grand Master of Masons   beloved brother, like one of our traditional Grand Masters, was
     in Montana at the annual communication in 1913.  His year   an architect with a trestleboard full of designs both Masonic
     as Grand Master was one of great advantage to the Craft and   and professional. Montana Masonry has felt the pulsation
     the readiness with which he enlisted the co-operation of his   of the vigorous personality of this master workman and the
     associate offi  cers and the Past Grand Masters clearly showed   moral and spiritual plans which he laid down will ever be an
     the splendid fraternal and executive abilities with which he   inspiration for the brethren of this great state to build more
     was so richly endowed. Among the accomplishments achieved   stately mansions for the approval of the Supreme Architect of
     by our Brother was his attendance at the St. Louis conference   the Universe.” MW Past Grand Master was a noble man and
     of Grand Masters held during May, 1914. Thirty Grand   Mason died on January 3, 1923 in Santa Barbara, California
     Lodges were represented at that gathering of Grand Masters.   and is buried at Santa Barbara Cemetery.
     The inspiration derived and the information gleaned from
     the discussion of various topics of general interest, Brother
     Wasmansdorff  regarded as decidedly worth while. During the
     Masonic year that MW Bro. Wasmansdorff  was Grand Master,
     Lower Yellowstone Lodge No. 90 was Constitued in Sidney.
     Dispensations were issued for the formation of fi ve new Lodges:
     Saints John Lodge in Hardin,  Eureka Lodge in Eureka, Saco
     Lodge in Saco,Treasure Lodge in Big Sandy and Kyle Lodge
     in Hinsdale. Notice of intent to submit Dispensations form
     Lodges have were received from: Ismay, Grass Range, Dodson             “A builder builded a temple,
     and Cascade.                                                       He wrought it with grace and skill—
                                                                           Pillars and groins and arches
       He received the Royal Arch degrees in Hiram Chapter No.             All fashioned to work his will.
     15, at Lewistown, being exalted on March 28, 1906. Soon            And men said, as they saw its beauty,
     after the establishment of Lewistown Commandery our                    ‘It never shall know decay.
     Brother Companion petitioned for the Orders, was elected and          Great is thy skill, oh, builder,
     Knighted July 15, 1909. He served as Eminent Commander in           Th  y fame shall endure for aye’.”
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