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In recent years historical revisionism and applying            Remarks by Vice President Albert Gore, Jr.
     techniques illegitimate to historical discourse have been      Yellowstone National Park 125th Anniversary
     conducted by a few authors writing about Yellowstone to                 Albright Visitors Center
     advance a given interpretive historical view with respect to           Sunday, August 17, 1997
     who did what to promote Yellowstone for the public use and  “…Every so often, a group of explorers would come back
     the development of our National Park system. In retrospect, it   to see for themselves. The most important of these was the
     matters little that perhaps Hedges was not the sole originator   Washburn-Doane expedition. All through the summer of
     of the National Park idea, and that David E. Folsom (Cook–  1870, they traveled this region. On their last night at Madison
     Folsom–Peterson Expedition) undoubtedly deserve part of the   Junction, as the campfi re crackled before them and a sea of
                                                            stars washed over them, they talked about their plans for the
     credit; nonetheless, their lasting achievement was helping to   future. To a man, each hoped to exploit the land for personal
     save Yellowstone from private development. There were many   profi t.
     men who deserve and are entitled to credit for having the vision
     an concern for the public interest in seeing the development   But then a young man by the name of Cornelius Hedges spoke
     of our National Parks. What matters most is that, in his own   up. As the story goes -- and there is some debate about this --
     benevolent way, Cornelius Hedges was the right person at the   he said this land was put here for the use of all, and should be
                                                            set aside so that it cannot be damaged by man’s heavy hand.
     right time to present such a potent idea, and that such an idea
     was so completely in harmony with all the guiding principles   Most importantly, he said that everyone who had the chance to
     of his life. Hedges defi nitely profi ted by having such a receptive   experience the wonders of Yellowstone had the responsibility
     audience, but it was he, on that September evening of 1870,   to safeguard for others that same fortune. Yellowstone had
                                                            found its fi rst protector….”
     in an almost common manner, who planted a seed, called the
     National Park idea that germinated, and today has grown to   Suggest  books on the history of Yellowstone National Park:
     a National Park system, preserving the scenic and historical
     heritage of our nation.                                Chittenden, H. M. (1895).  The Yellowstone Park. Cincinnati. The
                                                            Robert Clark Company.
      On your next visit to one of our National Parks or Memorials   Crampton, L.C. (1932),  Early History of Yellowstone National Park
     be sure to thank Rangers and Park staff  for the work they do in   and its Relation to National Park Policies, Washington D.C., US Govt
                                                            Printing Offi  ce.
     protecting and maintaining our National Parks.
                                                            Gardiner, R. L. (2011).  For This and Succeeding Generations, The
                                                            Cornelius Hedges Story. Helena.
         Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 9                                            Aug/Sept  2019    Volume 95 No .6
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