Page 14 - MFM Aug Sept 2019
P. 14

In Memory of

                                                 Franklin W. Noble

                                                     5 May 1955 - 28 August 2019
                                      It is with sincere sorrow and most profound regret that we advise you of the death
                                    of our Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden Frank Noble who was called to the
                                    Celestial Lodge Above on Tuesday, August 27th.

                                      Brother Frank received his Masonic Degrees in Frontier Lodge No. 766, Alpine,
                                    Texas. Initiated 01/16/1997, Passed 03/06/1997 and Raised to the sublime Degree of a
                                    Master Mason on 04/17/1997.  Brother Frank was also a member of El Maida Shrine in
                                    El Paso, Texas. From the date of his raising as a Master Mason his interest in Masonry
                                    was intense, he served the Craft with fervency and zeal. He affi  liated with Whitefi sh
      Lodge No. 64 on 01/14/2004 and served as Worshipful Master in 2008 - 2009. He was appointed to the Grand Lodge
      Offi  cer Line by MWPGM Thom Chisholm as W. Grand Pursuivant in 2012 and served as the Glacier District Offi  cer.
      He was elected as R. W. Junior Grand Warden during the 153rd Annual Communication in Billings on 28 June 2019. In
      the world of Masonry, he became an exemplar of all that the Order teaches to mankind, and gave it the best that there
      was in him.

        Brother Frank Noble had a chivalric presence, from him radiated kindness and goodness toward his family and friends;
      pettiness and meanness were strangers to him. Brother Frank was a man of scholarly attainments; of unquestioned
      integrity; of a modest, quiet and dignifi ed manner; he held the respect of all who came in contact with him; he held
      an intense love of his country. Measured by the true standards of worth and merit, our departed brother may well be
      remembered as an American, a man who loved his adopted home of Montana, a husband, and father, of exceptional
      type, to be emulated by present and future generations of our citizenship. A man who will be missed. “Well done, good
      and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”
        Brother Frank attended Texas A&M for 2 years and then transferred to Texas Tech where he graduated with honors
      earning a BA in History and a minor in Anthropology. While in college he rode bareback horses and won the Southern
      District Bronco Riding Competition. He then went on to compete in PRCA rodeo in New Mexico and Colorado for the
      next two years.  Brother Frank was a Special Agent for the US Customs Service which later became Immigration and
      Customs Enforcement (ICE) with Homeland Security. He worked as a Special Agent retiring after 25 years in 2012. He
      had many interests: hunting, hiking, fi shing, boating, snow skiing. His love for skiing lead to him becoming an Alpine
      Certifi ed Ski Instructor at Blacktail Mountain Ski Area for the last seven years, Frank enjoyed working with kids helping
      them learn to ski and improving their capabilities. Frank an avid hunter, he was a member of the Smith & Wesson
      Collectors Association, Rocky Mountain Weapon Collectors, Safari Club International, NRA, and the Boone & Crockett
      Club. He was an intense supporter of gun rights yet also strongly encourage safety and reasonable policies concerning
      gun use and ownership. He cared deeply for the use and conservation of the environment, especially land and wildlife.
      He worked with young people in various capacities they looked up to him, and many will miss his ability to connect with
      them and off er insightful kind advice. Frank was a man of deep religious faith, and it was an important part of his life,
      he was an active member of his church family, Easthaven Baptist Church. This sketch provides but a mere glimpse into
      the life of a man who had much to off er to his family, friends, community, and country.

        What more fi tting thing could be said about a man who lived respected and died regretted as our Brother Frank did
      than those simple words - he was a good man.

                                           “Beautiful life is that whose span
                                           is spent in duty to God and Man.
                                         Beautiful calm when the course is run;
                                            Beautiful twilight at set of sun;
                                         Beautiful death with a life well done.”
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