Page 16 - MFM Aug Sept 2019
P. 16

VA MISSION Act and New Veterans                                 From the Archives
                Community Care Program

      Under the VA MISSION Act, Veterans can expect a variety
     of improvements to community care. Eligibility criteria will be
     diff erent, a new urgent care benefi t will be provided, and customer
     service will be better.
      The process for receiving community care will be improved,
     including the following steps:

      1. VA confi rms Veteran’s eligibility for community care under the
     new criteria.
     2. A VA staff  member assists the Veteran with scheduling the
     appointment or the Veteran schedules the appointment with their
     preferred community provider within the VA network.
     3. Veteran receives care from a community provider in the VA

     4. Community provider sends a claim to a Third Party Administrator
     or VA for payment.
      In addition to new eligibility criteria, there are a variety of
     improvements under the VA MISSION Act that will make community
     care work better for Veterans:

      Single community care program. Existing programs will be
     combined into one single community care program. The Veterans
     Choice Program is coming to an end but some of its elements are
     being adopted into the new program. With one program and a single
     set of rules and processes, there is less complexity and likelihood of
     errors and problems.
      Better customer service. VA is implementing redesigned,
     streamlined internal processes, with improved education and
     communications resources for Veterans, our Veterans Service
     Organization (VSO) partners, and VA employees involved in
     community care operations. This will make administering community   Delegate badge for the 53rd Annual Communication
     care easier and support excellent customer service for Veterans.  of the Grand Lodge of Montana in 1917, held in Helena.
                                                             Th  e Grand Lodge of Montana was formed in 1866 (and
      New urgent care benefi t. A new benefi t will provide eligible
     Veterans with access to non-emergency care for certain conditions   did meet twice that year).
     in the VA network of community providers. Veterans can go to any
     urgent care or walk-in care provider in VA’s network without prior   Section 2040. Item T, of the Constitution and Code
     authorization from VA. There may be copayments associated with   of Statutes of the Grand Lodge of AF&AM of Montana
     this benefi t depending on a Veteran’s assigned priority group and the
     number of times the benefi t is used.                   states: “It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to
                                                             provide suitable badges for the representatives, offi  cers
      New Community Care Network. VA is establishing a new   and permanent members at all annual communications
     Community Care Network (CCN) of community providers that   of Grand Lodge.”
     will be set up and administered through Third Party Administrators
     (TPAs). Once CCN is implemented, VA will directly coordinate with
     Veterans to schedule community care appointments (and in some   Th  e badge shown above is on display in the Montana
     instances continue to be able to schedule their own appointments)   Masonic Foundations, Montana Masonic Museum in
     and support care coordination. VA’s TPAs will also be required to   Helena, Montana.
     make timely payments to community providers.

      Modern IT systems. VA is modernizing its information technology   Th  is session badge was used by Russell Dean Miller
     (IT) systems to replace a patchwork of old technology and manual   who received his degrees in Ionic Lodge No. 38 and
     processes that slowed down the administration and delivery of   served as their Worshipful Master in 1914. In 1925 he
     community care. Once in place, the new IT systems will speed   affi  liated with Helena Lodge No. 3. He died in Denver,
     up all aspects of community care—eligibility, authorizations,   Colorado in 1947.
     appointments, care coordination, claims, payments—while
     improving overall communication between Veterans, community
     providers, and VA staff  members.                         For more information contact Dan Gardiner,  Museum
      For more information contact: VA Montana Health Care:

         Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 16                                            Aug/Sept  2019    Volume 95 No .6
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