Page 11 - MFM Aug Sept 2019
P. 11

In 1934, Brother Leavitt returned working for the  that the preservation of the ideals of a nation such as ours
     Forest Service again in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, he  in turn will preserve that nation, and that without the
     retired from the Forest Service as Assistant Regional  preservationof the ideals of our nation, the nation itself
     Forestor for Information and Education on June 30,  will cease to be what its founders intended it to be, and
     1942.                                                  will become something entirely diff erent.
       He also served as the Commander-in-Chief of the        The ideals of nation are as important to it as are the
     United Spanish War Veterans from 1936 to 1937.         ideals of the individual citizen. “As a man thinketh in his
                                                            heart, so is he.” As a nation thinketh in its heart, so it is, as
       He retired from the Forest Service in 1941 and       well. If I might call your attention to the necessity and the
     moved to Newberg, Oregon, where he died on October     value of proper ideals on the part of the nation, through
     19, 1966. He was interred in Willamette National       the words of President Calvin Coolidge - The great place
     Cemetery near Portland, Oregon. Scott Leavitt Park in   that America has come to take among the nations of the
     Newberg, Oegon is named for the Congressman and        earth in the advancement of the idea that war sahll no
     Forest Ranger.                                         be the policy of nations any longer, as they deal with the

                                                              Idealism, of course must go hand in hand with practical
                                                            things, and no one believes that the end of war has
                                                            necessarily come throught the agreement on the part
                                                            of the various countries of the earth, in the treaty that
                                                            has been proposed, simply to renounce war as a national
                                                            policy as one nation deals with another, but I believe you
                                                            will agree with me that it is true that if that idea that is
                                                            advanced in treaties being made under the leardership of
                                                            the United States with the various nations of the world,
                                                            that if that idea had been in the minds of people of the
                                                            world the World War would not have taken place, -if the
                                                            world had come to a point where it had renounced war
     Scott Leavitt is second from left, top row shown with other Forest   as a national policy.  Preparation of course still remain
     Rangers of the Fremont National Forest in 1907. Photo from the
     collection of Beth Olin, daughter of Nelson J. Billings, Supervisor   necessary because of the fact that all the world has not yet
     of Wallowa National Forest, courtesty of the National Museum of   come to agree with us as to the place that war should have
     Forest Service History.                                in the aff airs of the diff erent peoples. There is the power
                                                            of an idea which has been growing and which has come
                                                            to be accepted as the right idea on the part of the peoples
       During the 64th Annual Communication of the Grand  of the earth.
     Lodge of Montana in 1928 the Keynote address was given
     by Brother Scott Leavitt.                                Now Masonry has been - if I might go back briefl y
                                                            into the history of this State, as has been touch upon so
                      Masonic Education                     eloquently on two or three occasions in the Grand Lodge -
                 Address by Brother Scott Leavitt           Masonry has been a potent factor in the the development
                                                            of Montana, not only in its resources, which in themselves
       I have been intensely interested for many years in  would made it a great State, but also in those ideas and
     what I consider to be perhaps the most important and  ideals of government which must be the foundation of
     most valuable feature of Masonic work, and this is the  a commonwealth such as ours. I was greatly impressed
     educational work. By that I mean edcational work along  yesterday, and I think we all were impressed, when Moses
     the lines of Masonry, to make plain to the members of the  Morris the Senior Grand Master of this Jurisdiction was
     Masonic Fraternity, particularly those who arebecoming  introduced to the Grand Lodge and the statement was
     members of it, the purpose of Masonry, and in connection  made that he had been raised as a Mason by Cornelius
     with the purposes of Masonry, the great opportunity that  Hedges, on of the Past Grand Masters of this Jurisdiction,
     Masonry has as a force for good among the citizenship  and for many years the Grand Secretary of the Jurisdiction,
     of this nation. And when I use the expression “a force for  because I recall as that took place what had happend in
     good among the citizenship of this nation,” I mean a force  the State of Montana since the raising of our Senior Grand
     in whose hands there is placed almost the preservation,  Master, whom we honored, and in doing so, honored
     if not in fact the preservation, of this nation of ours. I  ourselves yesterday.
     believe you will all agree with me in one thing, and that is
         Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 11                                            Aug/Sept  2019    Volume 95 No .6
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