Page 15 - MFM Jan Feb 2024
P. 15

in the offi  ce without being put to the test beforehand,  Rather, it means that when every man pulls his own
    and  without  having  the  confi dence  in  himself  as  well  weight as he should, and performs that duties of the offi  ce
    as from his brothers that he can do the job, then the  with aplomb, then the desired progression towards the
    lodge becomes the proverbial frog in a pot, and will not  East can occur naturally, and correctly, with each brother
    understand that it is dying until it is too late to jump out.  receiving the wages he is due, advancing by merit alone.

                                                                    REQUIREMENTS TO BE INSTALLED
    You will have a generation of men just moving through           AS MASTER:
    chairs and becoming Masters because they are “next”,
    never learning what they are suppose to learn, or               1. Having been elected, installed, and
                                                                    served     for one year as a Warden of a D.C.
    knowing what kind of good and wholesome instruction             Lodge.
    they are obligated to provide, and then, within just that
    one generation, the lodge will have lost everything that        2. Profi ciency exam: Ideally done while you
                                                                    are Junior Warden; no later than June of
    made it useful to the Craft.                                    you  year in the West as Senior Warden.

    True harmony is achieved when brethren embrace and              3. Code test: The earlier the better for both
    enjoy the labor that is required to gain preferment in a        you and your lodge; as you can benefi t your
                                                                    lodge with your increased knowledge.
    lodge, reward each other based upon that labor, and fully
    understand what we mean when we say that there should           4. Leadership test: Same as with the Code
    be no contention among us other than our time-honored           test.
    contention of who can best work and best agree.                 5. Past Master’s Degree: Obtained through
                                                                    a Royal Arch Chapter, by special conferral
    In saying this, one does not mean to suggest that there         through a Lodge using a Board of Installed
    should always be contested elections for every offi  ce in      Masters or a Lodge of Actual Past Masters,
                                                                    or at a special conferral convened at the
    the lodge. Nor does it mean that it is impossible to have       direction of the Grand Lecturer.
    an  orderly  arrangement  of  offi  cers  that  moves  along
    from year to year.                                         Reprinted with permission of The Voice of Freemasonry
                                                               in the Nations Capital, Volume 39, Number 3, 2022.
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