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hands of the workman

              Charles Earle Coe, Grand Master 1943-1944

     CHARLES EARLE COE was born July 15,                                   On December 30, 1918, Bro. Cole obtained
     1877, in Fayette County, Indiana. In 1891, he                         his R.A.M degree from Laurel Chapter No.31
     moved  with  his  parents  to  Baxter  Springs,                       in Roseburg, Oregon, and was a member
     Kansas, where he completed his high school                            of Western Sun Chapter No 11 at Missoula,
     education in 1896. He began teaching in                               Montana, at the time of his death. In 1944,
     Cherokee, KS after graduating from Baxter                             he served as the Captain of the Host in that
     Springs Normal School and remained there                              chapter. He received the Council degrees
     for approximately four and a half years.                              from Tyrean Council No. 3 in Missoula,
                                                                           Montana, on May 8, 1943. He was Knighted
     In 1903, he joined the Bureau of Indian                               in 1926 in Melita Commandery No 21, at
     Aff airs, Offi  ce of Indian Service as a teacher                     Polson, Montana, and was a member of St
     on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in                                  Omer Commandery No 91 n Missoula and
     South Dakota. 1906 was the year when he                               served as Eminent Commander in 1942-
     was selected to be Superintendent of the                              1943.
     Havaisupai Agency in Arizona. In 1910, he was transferred
     to Camp McDowell, Salt River Agency, Arizona. In 1913,  Bro. Cole received the degrees in the Scottish Rite on
     he relocated to Roseburg, OR, where he was in charge of  April  26,  1924,  in  Helena  Consistory.  He  was  the  fi rst
     Indians in Northern California and Oregon. In 1918, he  Venerable Master of the Missoula Lodge of Perfection.
     was promoted to special supervisor of American Indians  He was coroneted 33 ̊ in 1953. He received the degrees
     in the United States at large. In 1919, he was appointed  of the Shrine in Algeria Temple in Helena, where he was
     Supervisor at Large for inspecting, investigating, and  a member.
     supervising reservations in 10 western states. In 1921,
     he was transferred to the Flathead Agency in Dixon,  He became a member of the O.E.S. in 1925 in Oketa
     Montana, where he was appointed superintendent. He  Chapter No 114 at St Ignatius, Montana, and was a
     was named resettlement administrator for Montana and  charter member and served as Patron in 1927.
     Washington in 1934, and his headquarters was located in
     Seattle. In 1936, he retired.                             M.W. Brother Cole served Masonry and his country with
                                                               an unassuming dignity and effi  ciency. Brother Coe held
     He relocated to Missoula, MT in 1937, his was a happy  Masonry in high regard, and he exemplifi ed its teaching
     and hospitable home. He was active in fraternal and civic  on a daily basis. He left an enviable record in the pages
     aff airs. He was a member of the Episcopal Church of the  of our Masonic history.
     Holy Spirit. He also gave his time as a member of the
     Missoula County Rationing Board.                          Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Coe died on February
                                                               4, 1957, at the age of 79 in Missoula. On February 7, 1957,
     On May 29, 1918, Brother Coe received his Master Mason  he was buried at Missoula Cemetery.
     degree at Roseburg Lodge No 13, Roseburg, Oregon. He
     affi  liated  with  Flathead  Lodge  No  112  on  January  13,
     1925. He served as the Worshipful Master of that Lodge
     in 1929.
     In 1936, he was appointed as Grand Tyler. In 1943, he
     was elected as the Most Worshipful Grand Master of
     Masons in Montana for 1943-1944. During the Masonic
     year, Eagle Lodge No 103 consolidated with Plentywood
     Lodge  No 91.  M.W.  Brother Coe had the privilege of
     touring 47 individual lodges in Montana and seven Grand
     Jurisdictions during his tenure.
     In 1944, the Grand Lodge of Montana had 17,278
     members and 147 chartered lodges. The number of
     members in 2023 has decreased to 3,260, which is the
     lowest level in 122 years since 1901, when it was 3,325.

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 16                                        Jan/Feb 2024   Volume 100 No.1
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