Page 20 - MFM Jan Feb 2024
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talisman, Spanish talisman, Portuguese talismã,  noted that the Master Mason degree was
     Italian talismano, ultimately representing  invented in 1725.⁷ Thus, King James did reach the
     Arabic tilsam, in same sense. < Greek Τέλεσμά   ultimate degree available at the time in 1601.
     telesm  n.  The  final  -an  is
     not accounted for.” This                                                             The      24-inch       gauge
     suggests that the origin is                                                          reminds us to manage our
     Greek but is a combination                                                           time wisely and to use it to
     of thought from Arabic,                                                              achieve our goals. It is not
     Spanish, Portuguese, and                                                             only a lesson of schedule
     Italian, and French prior                                                            but a lesson of priority.
     to entering into English.”                                                           We      must      remember
     Regarding the history of                                                             that time is a precious
     the  term,  the  OED  states,                                                        commodity and use it
     “An Arabic plural tilsamān,                                                          constructively to  build
     alleged by Diez s.v., and                                                            our moral metaphorical
     thence in various recent                                                             edifice.
     dictionaries, is an error: no
     such form exists in Aribic,                                                          In “Advice to a Young
     Persian, or Turkish. The                                                             Tradesman” an essay by
     only Arabic form at all                                                              Britger Benjamin Franklin
     similar would be a relative                                                          that appeared in George
     adjective  *tilsimānī  (one)                                                         Fisher’s 1748 book, The
                                                                                          American Instructor: or
     dealing with talismans, if                                                           Young Man’s Best Com-
     this were in use. The identity                                                       panion, in which Franklin
     of  talisman  with  Τέλεσμά                                                          wrote, “Remember that
     was  first  pointed  out  by                                                         time is money.”   8
     Salmasius, Hist. Augusta
     1620. ”The etymology and                                                             In the full quote, Franklin
     history of a word can often                                                          wrote:
     bring about its ideas of how
     it’s done.                                                                           “Remember that time is
                                                                                          money. He that can earn
     Brother Mackey wrote in                                                               ten shillings a day by his
     his 1875 Encyclopedia: “The       Image  and  description  from  Wikipedia:  “Title  page  of  the   labour, and goes abroad,
                                       First  Folio,  1623.  Copper  engraving  of  Shakespeare  by  Martin
     Masonic essence of the            Droeshout.” Julius Caesar was first performed in 1599.  or sits idle one half of the
     lesson is ability, preparedness, and readiness,             day, though he spends but sixpence during his
     recalling the suggestion of William Shakespeare             diversion or idleness, it ought not to be reckoned
     to the workman in Julius Caesar (act 1, scene 1,            the only expence; he hath really spent or thrown
     line 5),  Where is they leather apron and thy               away five shillings besides.”  9
     rule? What dost thou with thy best apparel on?
                                                                Exactly 100 years prior to Ben Franklin’s 1748
     Shakespeare in this line has an astonishing  publication, a poem was written in English in
     prescience to Masonry? It is worthwhile noting  1648 by an English poet named Robert Herrick:
     that James VI (of Scotland) was a patron of
     Shakespeare - and a Fellow Craft. It seems likely          “Gather ye Rose-buds while ye may,
     that  Shakespeare  would  have  known  about               Old Time is still a-flying:
     Freemasonry existing whether by interacting                And this same flower that smiles to day,
     with the King or others in the King’s court who            To morrow will be dying.”
     were involved in Freemasonry. Indeed, King
     James himself was Fellowcraft Freemason                    In short, what Franklin and the poet are
     (Lodge Scoon and Perth No. 3 in Perth) (1601-              suggesting is: carpe diem, seize the day.
     1625) Initiated: April 15th, 1601. It should be

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 20                                        Jan/Feb 2024   Volume 100 No.1
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