Page 22 - MFM Jan Feb 2024
P. 22

Doric Lodge No. 53 Welcomes New Entered Apprentice

      Doric Lodge #53 taken November 7th after the EA initiation of Bro. Grant Ellison.  From L-R: Geoff Goble SW,
     Jeremy Roberts SD, Brad McGann WM, Grant Ellison, Eddie Crafford Instructor, Dave Hodges SS, John Robinson

                            Acacia Lodge No. 33 Receives Traveling 8 Ball

      Wm Earl Clute (Ruby #36) t  presented WM James Zenhalik (Acacia #33) with the “Western Glacier District
      Traveling 8 Ball” tonight in Anaconda.

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 22                                        Jan/Feb 2024   Volume 100 No.1
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