Page 27 - MFM Jan Feb 2024
P. 27

To be truthful.                                           To set goals.
     Sometimes this is painful for everyone involved,  These always must be goals. Some are easily
     but there is no path forward based on a falsehood.  attainable,  while  others  are  very  diffi  cult
     A lodge cannot address challenges unless they  to accomplish. As a leader, one must have
     understand the challenges that are faced, and  conversations and gain some level of consensus
     that takes an acknowledgment of the truth. As  among the Craft. Throughout these musings
     Masons though, the truth should be off ered with  among Brothers, humility and truthfulness are
     empathy  and  a  willingness  to  help  in  any  way  laid bare before each other, and genuine trust is
     possible. This is also a tenet of great leadership.       nurtured. Exemplary actions and behaviors are
                                                               discussed and fi nalized, ultimately leading to the
     To be an example.                                         establishment of goals. Short-term goals are the
     In everything that is done, as a Freemason, it is  immediate need and are stepping stones that lead
     imperative that exemplary behavior is presented  down the overarching path to the more diffi  cult
     in all fraternal and societal interactions. The  ones. This is how any great and important goal
     bottom line: act like someone is always watching  is accomplished; accomplishing several smaller
     and learning; be the quintessential mentor.  ones leads to the successful attainment of a large
     Freemasonry equips its membership with many  goal. Moreover, this also avoids the potential for
     lessons on morality and virtue. That is fortunate  getting overwhelmed, as success occurs as each
     for Masons who understand this, but if we are  short-term goal is conquered.
     honest with ourselves, many Masons do not
     invest themselves with these teachings and  There are many reasons as to why and how of
     remain ill-equipped to provide a true leadership  declining membership, and it is  easy to focus
     source.  This  fact  needs  to  be  recognized  and  on a particular perception. However, the whole
     acknowledged before a path forward is charted,  picture cannot be seen unless leadership steps
     leading to humility and the start of this process.        back from the situation and understands the
                                                               overall problem. In this case, leadership is the
                                                               problem,  and  it  will  take  great  leaders  to  fi nd
                                                               success. Masonry has witnessed success for
                                                               centuries, and that is not because the easy path
                                                               has been the right path, but more than likely, it
                                                               is because Masons have stayed true to the core
                                                               values and beliefs of the fraternity.

                                                               Reprinted  from  The  Kansas  Mason,  Vol  61,  Issue  1,
                                                               Spring 2023

                                                   THE BOTTOM LINE

                               ........leadership is a skill that can be taught and learned.
       Like any skill, it takes practice, discussion, learning, and a formal acknowledgment of its necessity.

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 27                                        Jan/Feb 2024   Volume 100 No.1
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