Page 28 - MFM Jan Feb 2024
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The Little House On The Prairie

                                                                                      Brother Chuck Clampitt
                                                                                      Etana Lodge 333, Mt. Etna, Indiana

     The  well-known  television  show  Little                             were required to contribute in one way or
     House on the Prairie was aired on                                     another. For the girls, time was still found
     television from 1974 to 1983 and traced                               for school, play, and the simple pleasures
     the Ingalls family as pioneers on the plains                          of growing up on the Great Plains. Simple
     of Minnesota in the 1870’s. The episodes                              family  activities  included  church  socials,
     were narrated by Laura, the daughter of                               dances, community work parties like barn
     Charles  and  Caroline  Ingalls,  along  with                         raising or husking bees, as well as buggy
     her  sisters  Mary  and  Carrie.  What  isn’t                         and  sleigh  rides.  Charles  and  Caroline
     generally known is that most of the stories                           Ingalls also found time for something else
     actually  took  place  and  that  the  author                         – Masonry. Charles was a Mason and both
     was actually Laura Ingalls Wilder.                                    were members of the Eastern Star.

     As  a  background,  Charles  Ingalls  was       Laura Ingalls Wilder
     born in Cuba, New York in 1836 the son of Lansford  By  the  time  Laura  was  almost  16  she  taught  at
     and  Laura  Ingalls.  Like  many  people  of  that  era,  area one room schools and in 1885, at the age of
     Lansford apparently had a wanderlust that drew him  18,  married  Almanzo  Wilder,  a  farmer  10  years
     westward.  Cheap  and  better-quality  farm  ground  her senior. The following year their daughter Rose
     could  be  purchased  from  the  Federal  Government  was  born.  The  first  four  years  of  their  marriage
     for as little as a $1.25 an acre was always a lure to  was very difficult as they experienced drought and
     move  west.  Other  driving  forces  were  the  desire  infestations of locust and grasshoppers that wiped
     to improve oneself, a sense of adventure, or  out  their  crops,  the  death  of  an  infant  son,  a  fire
     encouragement from family and friends who were  that  destroyed  their  home,  and  both  contracting
     moving  west.  Charles  married  Caroline  Quiner  in  diphtheria. Finally in 1889 they gave up farming and
     1860 in Illinois. Through the years the Ingalls moved  moved to Minnesota to live with Almanzo’s parents
     a  number  of  times  first  to  Wisconsin  and  then  to  before  moving  to  Florida  because  of  his  on-going
     Kansas,  back  to  Wisconsin,  southern  Minnesota,  health issues.
     Iowa,  back  to  Minnesota,  and  eventually  to  De
     Smet, South Dakota. “For his entire life, Ingalls had  Like her parents, Laura and Almanzo, continued to
     a  strong  case  of  wanderlust.”  He  is  quoted  by  his  move,  but  finally  settled  in  the  Ozark  Mountains
     daughter,  Laura  Ingalls  Wilder,  in  her  Little  House  of  southwestern  Missouri  in  1894  on  a  farm  they
     series of books as saying: “My wandering foot gets  dubbed  “Rocky  Ridge”.  This  really  wasn’t  farming
     to  itching”  (Wikipedia-Charles  Ingalls).  Finally  soft-  country  but  their  intention  was  to  plant  orchards,
     spoken  Caroline  Ingalls  put  her  foot  down  saying  raise  chickens,  and  sell  off  timber  to  meet  their
     that the move to South Dakota would be their last. It  financial needs. The Wilder’s financial situation was
     was there that they would spend the time from 1879  much like what Laura had experienced growing up.
     until Charles death in 1903.
                                                                Rose Wilder was always an intelligent, head strong,
     Laura  Ingalls  was  born  in  Wisconsin  in  1867  and  and precocious girl. At 17 she left home to become
     her life and experiences wouldn’t have been much  a telegraph operator in Kansas City and later would
     different  than  other  children  of  that  era  growing  be promoted as the manager of the Western Union
     up on the edge of the American frontier. At various  office  in  Mount  Vernon,  Indiana.  Like  her  parents
     times the family lived in sod houses, dugouts, and  and grandparents, Rose was never one to stay in one
     small primitive houses called “shanties”. While her  place very long. In 1908 she moved to San Francisco
     father  was  trying  to  eke  out  a  living  as  a  farmer  where she would marry. Over the next several years,
     and carpenter, Laura, her mother and sisters were  she and her husband lived in several different parts
     all  busy  with  household  chores,  gardening,  and  of  the  country  trying  to  support  themselves  by
     tending livestock. Money for the Ingalls family, like  promoting various financial schemes. It was during
     other  pioneering  families  of  the  time,  was  always  this  time  that  Rose  began  writing  newspaper  and
     in short supply and all the members of the family  magazine articles to supplement their income.

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 28                                        Jan/Feb 2024   Volume 100 No.1
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