Page 26 - MFM Jan Feb 2024
P. 26

Leadership Is  The Key To Success

                                                        Michael D. Johnson, II, Grand Master of Kansas 2022-2023

     There are several discussions as to why  For too long, leadership has presided in
     membership in Freemasonry has continually  their positions and not give the Craft proper
     declined for the last several decades. They range  instruction. In response, the Craft waits….
     from societal shifts away from fraternal orders  and grows complacent….sluggish in ideas and
     to simply membership correcting itself from a  thoughts….and creativity slowly wisps away.
     quasi-high after the world wars. The relevance of
     such topics cannot be ignored because each does  That  is the problem  that  is  the  foremost
     possess some level of truth and adds context to  adversary in Freemasonry and the immediate
     any discourse; however, many of these topics are,  challenge that needs to be addressed today. The
     honestly, outside the control of any individual or  path forward requires leadership to implement a
     group and cannot be changed. What then, is to  few prevailing themes in a Lodge; be humble, be
     be deemed from such a revelation?                         truthful, be an example, and set goals. This list
                                                               is by no means exhaustive, but it is a great start.
     The primary concept gained from such an
     epiphany is that discussion is worthwhile, but  To be humble.
     the effort should be directed towards something  A person’s ego creates situations where
     that can be controlled. Any plan to implement  selfishness reigns supreme and is never a positive
     such an  idea requires  leadership, perhaps  the  experience, especially in the servant leadership
     primary skill lacking in Freemasonry today. Now,  environment that Freemasonry is supposed
     that is not to say there are not great leaders,  to  be.  The  ego  must be left  at  home  and  any
     but there are not great leaders at every level  fraternal or societal interaction occurs on a
     and geographical area that Freemasonry has a  foundation of humility. This opens the door for
     presence. This is an unequivocal truth that has  challenging personal insight and consideration
     been  ignored,  but  fortunately,  leadership  is  a  of other thoughts and ideas on any subject.
     skill that can be taught and learned. Like any  Learning starts at this point.
     skill, it takes practice, discussion, learning, and a
     formal acknowledgment of its necessity.

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 26                                        Jan/Feb 2024   Volume 100 No.1
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