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18th Centary Ritual
     in America, what many lodges had for ritual was also  observing the operation of a MacBride lodge. To be
     based upon similar handwritten copies of notes and  sure, the opening will impress him, and the degree
     lectures accumulated over time. Th  ese may have been  ceremonies will leave him speechless. Yet everything
     indirectly received from Th  omas Smith Webb, then—    within the work is entirely Masonic, based upon
     depending on where one was located—modifi ed  by  things well-known to any bright Mason.
     Jeremy Cross or John Barney or another itinerant
     lecturer, occasionally with a bit of Th addeus Mason     Now one comes to the question of why MacBride
     Harris and other earlier sources added in between.     made his revision. Surely it wasn’t just a matter
     Th  e ritual of our own Grand Lodge was not fi nally   of replacing an old notebook. MacBride enters
     decided upon until 1869, and in the process, elements   Freemasonry at a time where he observes that “the
     of British Isles ritual were brought in at that “late”   beauty and truths of Masonry were being drowned
     date that are not found in other American Grand        in a Bacchanalian fl ood”. All about him he fi nds that
     Lodges. Th  erefore, MacBride is craft ing his ritual at   the Craft  has neglected its symbolism. It has neglected
     the same time that Masonry is beginning its modern     its obligation to instruct the brethren in what that
     renaissance everywhere in the late 19th century, the   symbolism has to teach, and as a result has become
     period of time which would bring all of us to where    little more than a social exercise that expedites the
     we are today in terms of how we are doing what we do.  actual purpose of a Masonic meeting in order that
                                                            men can get to the libations which follow it. To his
      To say this is not to suggest that we should all go  mind, the neglect of knowledge has led to a neglect of
     about writing our own rituals today, nor is it to say  decorum, which has subsequently led to a neglect of
     that we should not be informed by earlier, possibly  everything, which was the very crisis that put him in
     undiscovered workings from before the Grand Lodge  the Oriental Chair in the fi rst place.
     era. Th  e point to be taken is that ritualistically, in
     terms of understanding “complete plans” for Masonic      MacBride is not writing ritual just for the sake of
     ritual, almost everything we do—with a few notable     writing ritual. He is writing with the voice of someone
     exceptions—was in some way revised, rearranged,        who is confronting all of the same issues that also
     or honed in the late 19th century. In this sense, the   seem to confront every generation of men who join
     MacBride ritual is not an entirely diff erent  piece  of   our ranks. In Speculative Masonry (1913), his later
     work. Any Mason, particularly one familiar with the    and only substantial Masonic work aside from the
     form of work in the British Isles, will feel at home   ritual, MacBride gives an idea into why he may have
                                                            felt the need to create his ritual:
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 37                                        March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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