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were improved. Musicians and singers such as the  Another example of Crosley's sporting interest and
     Mills Brothers, Rosemary Clooney, and Doris Day,  support was the Powel Crosley, Jr Muzzle Loading
     were hired for regularly scheduled programs. Writers  Rifl e Championship, which is still held at the National
     and actors were hired to create and perform radio  Muzzle Loading Rifl e Association annual meet in
     dramas and remote location broadcasts were held.  Friendship, IN, the top award -the Crosley Cup.
     Sales of radios continued to grow, so WLW targeted
     stay-at-home housewives by creating the fi rst daytime   During World War II, Crosley Corporation was
     dramas that later became known as "soap operas,"  involved in defense contracting, but Powel still wanted
     so named because the fi rst advertiser was Procter &  to be an automobile manufacturer.
     Gamble, a leading maker of
     laundry soap. WLW's success                                                      On August 8, 1945 ,the
     and popularity rose as its                                                     Crosley Corporation was
     wattage increased. In 1923,                                                    sold and two days later
     it became a 500-watt station                                                   Crosley Motors was created.
     and in October 1928, it was                                                    (Th e  fi rst Crosley was built
     increased 50,000 watts. In                                                     in 1939 but World War II
     May 1934, WLW was licensed                                                     caused production to be
     to broadcast at 500,000 watts                                                  suspended.) Following the
     on an experimental basis.                                                      war, manufacturing resumed
     Th  is license was the only                                                    in the Marion, IN, plant
     "Super Station" license ever                                                   with the fi rst deliveries in
     issued and was on the air for                                                  October 1946. Th e  Crosley
     fi ve years.                                                                   automobile targeted the low-
                                                                                    priced market and by most
      Some of Powel Crosley's                                                       everyone's standards, it was
     success had to do with his                                                     physically tiny, measuring
     open-door policy. Employees,                                                   12 feet long, weighing 1155
     suppliers, and people off                                                      pounds, and powered by a
     the street could meet with                                                     26½ hp engine. Following the
     Crosley and discuss their ideas. One such suggestion  war, gas was rationed and demand was strong for the
     was a rolla-round infants walker called the "go-bibi."  inexpensive  fuel-effi  cient  car.  Production  exceeded
     It was easy to produce and fi nancially successful for  27,000 cars in 1948. Once gas became readily available
     a number of years and proceeds were shared with  and the Crosley went through a period of engine
     the innovator. Other commercial products included  problems, production fell to 4831 in 1951. In July 1952,
     household appliances, refrigerators, an electrical  Crosley Motors was sold to General Tire.
     device worn on the head to grow hair, and a mechanical
     refrigerator that cooled without electricity (a success   Powel Crosley was a man of varied interests. He
     in that part of the country that had yet to have rural  always wanted to be in the limelight, front and center,
     electricity). Crosley would also build planes, start an  the man on the big stage. He oft en referred to himself
     airline, and produce car radios for the aft ermarket.  as "the Henry Ford of Radios." He was daring in his
                                                            business ventures and was successful in envisioning
      Th  e Crosley brothers had always been Cincinnati  consumer demand.
     Reds fans and by the early 1930s, the Reds regularly
     fi nished near the bottom of major league baseball       He was also a Mason raised in College Hill 641 in
     standings. In 1933, Crosley bought controlling interest  1917 and joining the Scottish Rite Valley of Cincinnati
     in the Reds and he and Lewis set out to turn things  and the Syrian Shrine in 1919. Powel's father and
     around. Th e  fi eld was renamed Crosley Field. Even  brother were members of the same Lodge. Powel
     with these changes, the Reds fi nished last for the  Crosley died in 1961.
     fourth year in a row. Th  e next year, to help increase
     attendance, lights were added to Crosley Field and
     the Reds were the fi rst Major League Baseball team to
     hold night games. In 1939 and 1940, the Reds were the
     National League champs and in 1940 won the World
     Series against Detroit. At the time the Reds were
     purchased by the Crosley brothers, annual attendance   Reprinted with permission from "Master Entrepreneur Powell
     grew from 200,000 to a million.                        Crosley" Chuck Clampitt, 2020, Indiana Freemason magazine,
                                                            Fall 2020 issue. Grand Lodge of F&AM of Indiana.
      Crosley was also a sportsman. He loved to hunt and
     fi sh, taking multiple trips each year to various camps
     he owned in Canada, South Carolina, and Indiana.
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 35                                        March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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