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Th  us, the somewhat abbreviated biblical lineage  Th  e Application of Light: I fi nd this as wholly
     through Isaac's side, below, is:                       compelling...not because of the chemical color change,
                                                            itself, but because much like mankind, when "light"
     Adam (circa 3999 B.C.)...Father of Seth                was applied, the previous color (purple) was changed
     Noah (circa 2944 B.C.)...Father of Shem, Japheth and   into  tekhelet...sacred  blue,  the  color  of  perfection.
     Ham, all of whom went forth from the Ark.              Th  is is another instance of blue and gold being used
                                                            together to create a perfect "whole".
     Ham ......................................Father of Canaan
                                                            Ptil Tekhelet Foundation: In 1993, and located in
     Canaan .................................Father of Sidon  Jerusalem, Israel, the Ptil Tekhelet Foundation (Th  e
     Abraham (circa 2100 B.C.)... Father of Isaac           Association for the Promotion and Distribution of
                                                            Tekhelet) was formed for mass production of this
     Isaac .....................................Father of Jacob  tekhelet, as well as to continue further research into
                                                            once again providing the Jewish people with true and
     Jacob (circa 2000 B.C.)...Father of Asher, Benjamin,   pure  tekhelet  for  their  garments,  as  outlined  in  the
     Dan, Gad, Issachar, Joseph, Judah, Levi, Naphtali,     Holy Scriptures.
     Reuben, Simeon and Zebulun
                                                              Approximately 30 Murex snails are needed to
     Simon-Sez: For those of the Christian faith, Jesus     produce enough dye for a single garment's strands.
     Christ is a direct descendant from Isaac's bloodline.
                                                            Th  is is in keeping with the Talmudic statement that
     Hiram Abif was a man of Tyre, Lebanon (Phoenicia)      "the dye is expensive."
     believed to have come from the tribe of Naphtali.
                                                              Unlike many other dyes, the pure blue dye called
     Masonic Blue...and Techelet                            tekhelet is also colorfast and does not fade. Th  ree days
     Are Masonic blue and Techelet the same color?          in strong bleach will not change its color.

      Th  e murex trunculus, the sea snail found on the       Techelet is also the color of the Israeli national fl ag.
     Mediterranean coast, is currently believed by Jewish
     scholars to be the source of this coveted and long lost   MASONIC BLUE...Sacred Blue...Th  e Color of
     techelet dye.                                          Perfection
     Remains of Techelet Dye Factories: To this day, there
     is still a hill of snail shells 100 meters long and 50 meters   Tzitzoth Strings
     high, called Murex Hill in Sidon, Lebanon, which is    Tzitzit Strings of Tekhelet
     about halfway between Beirut and Tyre, Lebanon. Th  e
     distance between Beirut and Tyre is approximately 79   MASONIC BLUE
     km...or about 49 miles. Both cities are located on the   Th  e Talmud, the record of rabbinic discussions
     Mediterranean Sea.                                     pertaining to Jewish law, ethics customs and Jewish
                                                            history, asks the same ancient question about Tekhelet
      Th  is hill of snail shells in Sidon, Lebanon was formed
     by the refuse from the Phoenician dye factories of long,   that we ask about Masonic blue...and that is: "Why
     long ago. Phoenician artisans were skilled workmen in   blue?"
     many diff erent craft s. Newer structures have been built
     upon the hill, but some of these Murex snail shells can   Th  e answer is, (Talmud: Men. 43b)
     still be seen today, on the lower part of the hill.
                                                            "Because this color resembles the sea, the sea
                                                            resembles the sky and the sky resembles the "Chair
     Rediscovery of How to Create Techelet: Th  e long lost
     secret to obtaining the techelet dye was rediscovered   of Glory".
     in 1980 by a chemist from the Shenkar College of
     Fibers by the name of Professor Otto Elsner.            So Mote It Be.

      Initially, the "blood" (internal composition) of the
     Chilazon is purple in color. However, Professor Elsner
     discovered that if a solution of the dye was exposed to   Reprinted from "Masonic Blue", Simon Pierce, 2020,
     sunlight or ultra-violet light,... the color blue, instead   Masonic Lodge of Educaiton, masonic-lodge-of-education.
     of purple, was consistently produced.                    com
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 30                                        March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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