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Th e Toseft a  (Menachot 9:6, found at the end of  Solomon's Temple.  (See 1 Kings. 5:1-11; 9:10, 11; and
     Mesechta Chullin) states, "Th  e blue dye for the Tzitzith  2 Chronicles. 2:3-16)
     must be produced from a creature called Chilazon."
     Th  e "blood" of the Chilazon was added to other       Th  e 3 great symbolic pillars of Freemasonry allude to:
     ingredients and boiled (Menachot 42b, Rambam           Wisdom:  King Solomon
     Tzitzith 2:2).
                                                            Strength:  King Hiram of Tyre  (see 1 Kings. 5:1; 2
     Th  e  Talmud says that Techelet was very expensive.    Chronicles. 2:3).
     When it was found that unscrupulous dye dealers had
     been selling a counterfeit blue dye; a chemical test  Beauty:  Hiram Abif, Th  e Master Craft sman
     was developed by the religious scholars to determine
     whether or not the blue dye was genuine Techelet (see   Th  e exact origins of the city of Tyre are unknown,
     Menachot 43a, Rashi and Rambam).                       however the ancient historian, Herodotus, purports
                                                            it to have been founded about 2700 B.C.....or
      From the wording of the Toseft a quoted above,  approximately 5,000 years ago.
     it seems that the blue dye had to be made from the
     Chilazon.  Some believe that this was part of the oral   Noted for its rocky land and magnifi cent cedar trees,
     tradition given to Moses on Mount Sinai when the       Tyre consisted of two separate parts, ...a rocky fortress
     Lord appeared to Moses in a cloud of azure (blue) and   on the mainland, called "Old Tyre," and the city, itself,
     gold.                                                  which is built on a small, rocky island about half-a-
                                                            mile from the shoreline.  (See Matthew 11:21 and Acts
     Chilazon / (Hillazon)                                  12:20).
     Since the Christian Bible does not address information   While most people of the time wore only unbleached
     about the chilazon, it is only from the writings in the   wool garments, it is only natural that the purple dye of
     Talmud, the ancient Jewish rabbinical discussions,     Tyre quickly became valuable and the city of Tyre soon
     from which this lost knowledge was rediscovered.
                                                            held a worldwide celebrity due to the prized colors and
      Th  e Chilazon (also called hillazon, in Hebrew) is   the durability of its beautiful tints.  Th  e dye industry
     the fi sh-like animal from which the ancient Israelites   was a source of abundant wealth to the inhabitants of
     obtained the tekhelet dye. Th  e four primary criteria   the Tyre.
     for the Chilazon come from the Talmud (tractate          On a Tyrian coin from the city of Tyre, dated 200
     Menachot 44a) which says:
                                                            C.E., (Common Era) depicting the legend of Hercules'
     Th  e color of its body is like the sea.               dog discovering the Murex snail.
     Its form is like a fi sh.
     It raises to the surface once in 70 years, its "blood" is   Biblical Lineage
     used for techelet, (sic: therefore:)                     Sidon, Lebanon: Approximately 20 miles north of
     It is expensive.                                       Tyre, and named aft er Noah's great grandson, is the
                                                            once opulent and prosperous city of Sidon, now best
     Murex Trunculus Snail                                  known for its fi shing industry.
     Tyre, Lebanon:  Th  e Mediterranean coast was the
     center of the dyeing industry in the ancient world.  Sidon was originally included within land in the
     "Tyrian Purple" came from the port of Tyre in  territory of Asher, one of the 12 tribes.
     Phoenicia in what is now known as southern Lebanon.
     It's fl ourishing maritime trade, and its dye and glass   Abraham was the father of Isaac and Ishmael. (Isaac
     industries made Tyre very powerful and wealthy.  (See   is "father" to the Judeo-Christian nations. Ishmael is
     Isaiah. 23:8; and Zechariah 9:3).                      father to the Arab nations.)

      Freemasons will be familiar with Tyre, as it was        Isaac was the father of Jacob. Jacob fathered 12 sons.
     from the King of Tyre which King David received        Th  ese 12 sons are the ancestors to the 12 tribes of
     the building materials to build the Temple.  (See 2    Israel. Each tribe occupied a separate territory, (except
     Chronicles 2:3.)                                       Levi, who was chosen to serve in the holy Temple)

     King Solomon's Temple:  As King Solomon was            Th  e 12 tribes of Israel (Jacob's sons) were:
     charged with the actual job of building the Temple,    Asher, Benjamin, Dan, Gad, Issachar, Joseph, Judah,
     he, too, procured many of the materials such as        Levi, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon and Zebulun.
     cedar lumber from Tyre, which he used in erecting
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 29                                       March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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