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Masonic Blue

                                                    Simon Pierce

     Th  e origin of Masonic Blue is somewhat of a  Masonic Blue on a Masonic lapel pin, most Masonic
     mystery.....or is it?                                  cuffl  inks,  Masonic  gift s and the overwhelming
                                                            majority of Masonic jewelry...not to mention upon
       Colors are somewhat subjective for each of us.   Masonic aprons and other Masonic supplies.
     Diff erent people see colors diff erently.  Even each
     graphics program and computer monitor displays           Is there one single, defi nitive answer as to why
     them a little diff erently and so, even the color "light  Freemasonry's primary color is called "Masonic blue"?
     blue" can denote a vast array of hues or tones of the
     same color.                                              Th  ere are an overwhelming number of thought
                                                            provoking indicators throughout history that lead us
       Freemasons learn that the answer to this question  closer to the answer.
     is that Masonic Blue is the color of the starry decked
     sky,... the celestial clouded canopy that covers each and  BLUE IN ISRAEL
     every one of us.  But,... why "blue"?  Why not purple or
     red or any other color in the spectrum?                  Blue was a sacred color to the priests of Israel in
                                                            biblical times.  Th  e color is mentioned fi rst in the Old
     Q:  And... what exact hue of blue does Masonic Blue    Testament in:
          ...the light, clear blue of a Summer's day, the dark   Exodus XXV:3-4:  in which the Lord commanded
     blue before the storm?                                 Moses to speak to the children of Israel, saying:
          ...the royal blue of a Mediterranean sky
          ...or something in between?                        “And this is the off ering which ye shall take of them;
                                                             gold, and silver, and brass, and blue, and purple,
     A:  Th  e answer to this question might be forever lost   and scarlet, and fi ne linen, and goat’s hair.”
     to us
            ..except for the long lost (and recently rediscovered)   Th  roughout the Books of Exodus and Numbers are
     knowledge of the Chilazon.  (more on the Chilazon      many references to the color, blue, and several more
     later in this page)                                    are to be found in Chronicles, Esther, Jeremiah and
     But, fi rst...let's go back in history and "poke around" a
     bit, shall we?                                           We read of the “fi ne twined linens," and “Make the
                                                            ephod (pronounced ee-foo-daw) of Gold and Blue,”
                                                            What is an Ephod? An ephod is a part of the
       We see the colors blue and gold repeatedly used  sacerdotal (of or relating to priests or a priesthood)
     together throughout nature, in the scriptures and in  habit (clothing or vestments) among Jews.  It is a
     the process of learning why blue is a sacred color.    covering for the back and breast, held together on the
                                                            shoulders by two clasps or brooches of onyx stones set
     SUN AND STARS                                          in gold, and fastened by a girdle of the same material
                                                            as the ephod. Th  e ephod for the priests was of plain
       Th  e sky is blue.  Th  e sun's rays are gold in color.   linen.  Th  e ephod worn by the high priest was richly
     Th  erefore, it is easy to see why the colors blue and  embroidered  in  colors.  Th  e breastplate of the high
     gold have historically been associated with Deity  priest was worn upon the ephod in front.  Th us, the
     (God, G_d, the Creator, the Almighty, the Supreme  ephod is essentially an apron-like garment.
     Architect of the Universe).
                                                            We fi nd many references to the color, blue, in the Bible:
     Masonic Blue Paraphernalia
                                                            ...“bind the breastplates with a lace of blue,”
       We see the colors blue and gold repeatedly in  “pomegranates of blue,” “an hanging for the tabernacle
     Masonic paraphernalia such as gold Masonic rings  of blue,” “needlework of blue,” “a cloth wholly of blue.
     with the ring's face or background being blue.  We see
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 24                                        March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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