Page 23 - MFM Mar Apl 2021.indd
P. 23

Th  e history of our own nation includes too many  hundreds of millions of interactions with potential
     similarities to the problems of the Pythagoreans.  voters who believed they were interacting with fellow
     On July 11, 1804 longstanding malicious political  Americans” An April 2018 article by the Brennan
     animosities between two opposing parties in our  Center NYU Law, “Social Media is Now Prime Conduit
     nation came to a fatal clash. Th e fi nal engagement was a  for Foreign Interference”, said that $1.4 billion was
     fateful duel between the   Th  e history of our own nation includes too many        spent online in the 2016
     sitting Vice President       similarities to the problems of Pythagoras.            election. Unless we take
     Aaron Burr and former                                                               preventative steps “any
     Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton who  bad actor – not just Russia - will have the power to
     died the next day from the wound from Burr’s dueling  covertly sow chaos in our politics.”
                                                              So what is our responsibility as Masons? Brethren,
      On May 22, 1856 diff erences of opinion about slavery  unless we wish to continue a journey into the disorder,
     between abolitionists and slavery supporters let  shambles, and abyss that befell Pythagoras around 500
     South Carolina Representative Preston Brooks feel  BC, Alexander Hamilton in 1804, or the United States of
     justifi ed in attacking Massachusetts Senator Charles  America in 1861, we have a duty and obligation to turn
     Sumner, with a cane. Sumner working at a desk  humanity away from the hatreds, animosities, enmities,
     bolted to the fl oor was unable to quickly rise and  and hostilities currently infesting human culture and
     protect himself from blows to his                                     societies. Th  ese  have  led  worldwide
     head. Brooks was supported by two                                     to the current lack of Civility with its
     companions, Lawrence Keitt and                                        accompanying  rudeness,  insensitivity,
     Henry Edmunson, who prevented                                         anger, and violence. We must lead
     immediate help for Sumner. Th e                                       the way toward a return to truth,
     short lived attack still allowed                                      forbearance, moderation, harmony,
     Brooks time to give, as he said,                                      order, friendship, gentleness, agreement
     “30 good stripes” to Sumner’s head                                    and civility while maintaining our own
     before others could intervene.                                        civility, fi delity, honor, uprightness,
     Enough votes (two thirds) could                                       integrity, values, principles, and
     not be mustered to expel Brooks                                       brotherly love.
     from the House of Representatives.
     So he voluntarily resigned and was
     reelected at the next election. Using
     value-laden verbiage, northern news
     reported the “Cowardly Assault”
     while southern sources carried
     reports of “Sumner's  Chastisement".
     Th  ese uncompromising political
     diff erences foretold the rising
     regional animosities and political
     diff erences that culminated in the
     start of the Civil war fi ve years later.

      During recent years, within our own country, there
     have been escalating political, social, and regional
     diff erences leading to expanded hatreds, animosities,
     incivility and violence. Much of this has been fueled by
     foreign interference. An October 2017 article by Tom
     McCarthy said in part foreign (online) “...trolls and bots   Reprinted from  "Pythagoras, Burr, Hamilton, Sumner,
     focused on controversial topics in an eff ort to stoke   Brooks Civility and Masons", Donald McDougal, 2019, The
                                                             "Maine Mason", Winter 2019. Grand Lodge of AF&AM of
     political division on an enormous scale – and it hasn’t   Maine.
     stopped...” He went on to say that “Th  e broader strategy
     is...about destabilizing the country by focusing on and
     amplifying existing divisions, rather than supporting
     any one political party. ...these became staging grounds
     for an attack on American Democracy... imposters had
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 23                                        March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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