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SACRED BLUE...TECHELET...PERFECTION                    Chinese:
                                                            In mystical Chinese philosophy, blue represented the
     Tekelet (or Techelet):  Albert  Mackey,  Freemason     symbol of the Deity.  Th  ey believe blue to be composed
     historian and scholar) notes that the blue of the Old   of black and red which represent the male and the
     Testament is a translation of the Hebrew “tekelet” which   female and the active and passive principles.
     is derived from a root word signifying “perfection.”
      He develops the idea that blue was anciently, and
     universally sacred.                                    Th  e Hindus believe that their God, Vishnu, who is
                                                            represented by a celestial or sky “blue,” symbolized the
      Down through not just the centuries,...but the  wisdom which emanated from God.
     millenniums (thousands of years), we see evidence of
     blue as denoting many sacred attributes.               Jacob's Ladder:
                                                            Jacob, Abraham's grandson, saw a ladder ascending
     BLUE SIGNIFIED DEITY                                   from earth up into the blue of the heavens.  Henceforth,
                                                            it has been known as "Jacob's Ladder".
     Early Religious Forms of Sun Worship:
     Man’s earliest forms of worship were of the sun and    Druids:
     fi re.  Th  e sun rose up against a blue sky, traveled and   Among the Druids, (wise men and philosophers)
     set in a realm of blue; so to associate the color with   blue was the symbol of truth and the candidate, in
     Deity is as obvious today as it was, then.             the initiation into the sacred rights of Druidism, was
                                                            invested with a robe composed of the colors, white,
     Th  e Egyptians, too, believed that the color blue was a   blue and green.
     sacred color.  Th  eir god, Amun, was painted light blue.
                                                            Blue in Nature:
     Babylonians:                                           Blue is not only the color of the sky, but of the oceans,
     Th  e ancient Babylonians clothed their Pagan idols  of pure mountain streams and lakes.  It is an emblem
     in blue, as we may read from the prophet, Jeremiah.    of purity and beauty.
     (Jeremiah 10:6-10):
                                                            Peace and Eternity:
     Verse 6:                                               Th  e color, blue, has long been held to signify eternity
     O LORD, there is none like You!                        and immortality; pale blue is especially associated
     You are great and Your name is great in power.         with peace.
     Who would not revere You, O King of the nations?
     For that is Your due,                                  Royal Heraldry:
                                                            In royal heraldry, blue or azure symbolizes chastity,
     Verse 7:
     Since among all the wise of the nations                loyalty and fi delity.
     And among all their royalty
     Th  ere is none like You.                              Blue In Art:
                                                            In painting, the color, blue, is frequently used in
     Verse 8:                                               ethereal settings, such as of clouds and angels.    Th us,
     But they are both dull and foolish;                    blue signifi es humility, fi delity as well as hope and
     Th  eir doctrine is but delusion;                      faith.
     It is a piece of wood,
                                                            Covering of a Lodge:
     Verse 9:                                               We are taught that the covering of a Lodge is the
     Silver beaten fl at, that is brought from Tarshish,    clouded canopy or starry decked heaven.
     And gold from Uphaz,
     Th  e work of a craft sman and the goldsmith's hands;  Blue Lodge:
     Th  eir clothing is blue and purple,                   In the United States, lodges are called "blue" lodges.
     All of them are the work of skilled men.               Freemasons in other parts of the world, do not call
                                                            their lodges "blue" lodges,...and they fi nd this to be a
     Verse 10:                                              particularly "American" curiosity.
     But the LORD is truly God:                             ...And  down through the ages, no matter which
     He is a living God,                                    language, which country or which era in history,...the
     Th  e everlasting King.                                color "blue" has universally signifi ed:
     At His wrath, the earth quakes,
     And nations cannot endure His rage.
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 25                                       March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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