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Th  e Hands of the Workman
                                                    Reid Gardiner
                                           Grand Secretary Emeritus, Editor

                                                  Daniel J. Muri
                                              Grand Master 1929-1930

       Daniel J. Muri was born on 25 December                            M.W. Grand Master Muri presided over
     1872 at Olden, Norway. He attended                                the 66th Annual Communication of the
     public school, and at the age of 18 set out                       Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of Montana
     for America. He worked as a farm hand                             on 20-21 August 1930 held in Missoula,
     for a while in North Dakota. Later he                             Montana.
     worked as a section hand for the Northern
     Pacifi c Railroad in North Dakota and                               As  Grand  Master,  Brother  Muri  issued
     Montana. In 1891, he was working as the                           dispensations for a new lodge to be
     Section Foreman of the Northern Pacifi c                          known as North Border Lodge No. 145 at
     at Billings, Montana, followed by being                           Opheim, Montana. On 30 February 1930
     the Assistant Roadmaster at Forsyth,                              he issued a dispensation for a new Lodge
     Montana.                                                          at Circle, Montana, Circle Lodge No. 136.
                                                                       In 1930, the Grand Lodge of Montana had
       On the creation of Rosebud County in                            20,915 members, 658 members were raised
     1902 he served as the fi rst Sheriff  until 1928. In 1928,   during that year.
     Governor Erickson appointed him as a member of
     the State Board of Equalization.                         On 16 June 1950, M. W. Brother Muri died on a
                                                            train returning to Forsyth Montana form Bryn Mawr,
       Brother Muri received his Masonic Degrees in         Washington. He was buried at Forsyth Cemetery.
     Hiram Lodge No. 58 in Forsyth, Montana and was
     Raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason on
     6 February 1900. He served as Worshipful Master in
     1904 and 1911 and as Secretary from 1915 to 1928.

       Brother Muri became a member of the York Rite
     on 16 June 1911 at Miles City Chapter No. 14 and
     later became a member of Chapter 22 in Forsyth. He
     became a Knight Templar on 25 April 1916 at Miles
     Commandery No. 11 and a member of Allenby
     Commandery No. 20 at Forsyth where he served as
     the fi rst Eminent Commander.
       Brother Muri took his Scottish Rite degrees in the
     Livingston Consistory on 28 February 1901.

       On 10 December 1903 he crossed the hot sands  of
     Algeria Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. He became a Charter
     member of Al Bedoo Temple in Billings on 16 June
     1921 and served as Potentate in 1930.

       Brother Muri served in the appointed Grand
     Lodge line and was elected as Junior Grand Warden
     in  1925.

       Brother Daniel Muri climbed the ladder to fame
     in the Grand Lodge of Montana and in 1929 was
     elected as Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons
     in Montana.
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 20                                        March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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