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Francis C. Deimling
                                                Montana Pioneer

                                                Reid Gardiner, Editor

      Francis Christopher Deimling was born                                Upon the death of Gov. Meagher,
     in 1836 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He                           Green Clay Smith became Governor;
     attended common schools and entered the                             Gov. Smith formed the First Regiment of
     University  of  Pennsylvania,  graduating                           Montana Volunteers and appointed Col.
     with a Bachelor of Law degree in 1858.                              Deimling as Chief of Staff .

      F. C. Deimling enlisted in the U.S.                                  In 1868, Frank was admitted to the
     Reserve Corps of the Missouri Infantry                              Montana Bar. In 1871 he became a
     on May 8, 1861. On August 15, 1861, he                              member of the Montana Territorial
     was discharged, and on the same day,                                Council. F. C. Deimling served as the
     August 15, 1861, he enlisted as 1st Lt. and                         Secretary to Governor Potts 1870-1883.
     Adjutant in the 10th Missouri Infantry
     Regiment located at Pacifi c,  Missouri.                              F. C. Deimling served as Postmaster of
     He was advanced to the rank of Major                                Virginia City 1872-1876. He was also a
     on October 3, 1862. On June 11, 1863, he                            Notary Public 1880-1887. Frank and his
     became a Colonel, and in April of 1864, he became      wife Mary also owned a Book and Stationery store in
     Commander of the 10th Regiment of the Missouri         Virginia City.
     Infantry. His Command the 10th Regiment saw action
     at Chattanooga in October and November of 1863           Francis  C.  Deimling  died  on  January  2,  1887,  at
     and at Second Battle of Corinth and in the siege of    the age of 51 years, and was buried in Virginia City
     Vicksburg. He mustered out of service on August 24,    Cemetery.
     1864, at St. Louis, Missouri.

      In 1864, Colonel Frank Deimling led a contingent
     of soldiers over the Northern Overland Route (Mullan
     Military Road) to Virginia City, Montana Territory.
     Frank settled at Alder Gulch and later in Virginia City.
      Governor Th  omas Meagher established the Montana
     Militia and appointed Colonel Deimling as Chief of
     Staff .

      In 1865, Brother F. C. Deimling became a member
     of Virginia City Lodge No. 43, which became
     Virginia City Lodge No. 1 in 1866. Brother Deimling
     was present at the meeting January 24, 1866 for the
    formation of the Grand Lodge of Montana. Brother
    Deimling was elected Junior Warden of Virginia City
    No. 1 in 1866, and served as Worshipful Master of
    Virginia City Lodge No.1 for 1869-1870. In 1871, he
    served as Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of
    AF&AM of Montana.

      In 1866, Francis Deimling and Mary Lovell were
    united in married by the Rev. Hugh Duncan. Th e
    Deimlings had two children James and William, both
    born in Virginia City, Montana Territory. Brother
    Hugh Duncan became Grand Master in 1883.

      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 16                                        March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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