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across the state. Th  e numbers were added to the patch  Patrol, in adopting this early symbol, honors the fi rst
     in 1956 and added a fi nal gloss of respectability to  men in the Montana Territory who organized for the
     the actions of the original law enforcement group.  safety and welfare of the people. For that same reason,
     Promoted to chief administrator that year, Alex  the Association of Montana Troopers has carried on
     Stephenson personally designed the new insignia as a  that tradition by placing the legendary 3-7-77 on their
     tribute to law and order. “We chose the symbol,” he  patch as well.
     explained later, “to keep alive the memory of this fi rst
     people’s police force.”

       Th  is mysterious combination of numbers has
     captured the imagination of students of early Montana
     law enforcement ever since the old-timers who knew
     its signifi cance refused to reveal it. Th e  original
     Vigilantes took an oath of secrecy which was strictly
     observed through the death of the very last one of
     them. Th  ere are many explanations that have been
     explored over the years, and while their true meaning
     remains a mystery, one thing is clear. Th ose numbers
     struck fear into the hearts of those who found them
     tacked upon their doors.

                                                              Th  ank You - members of the Montana Highway
       Th  e most widely accepted theory today is that the
     numbers represent the dimensions of a grave: 3 feet    Patrol, for all you do in keeping our highways and
     wide, 7 feet deep, and 77 inches (6 feet 5 inches) long.   citizens safe.
     Th  e idea behind this is that if the “Road Agent” did not
     leave town within a given amount of time (3 hours, 7     We are proud of our Masonic brothers, who are part
     minutes, 77 seconds), they would fi nd themselves in   of the Montana Highway Patrol.
     such a grave.
                                                              Special thanks to the Montana Highway Patrol
                                                            and the Association of Montana Troopers for source
       Another theory is that the numbers represent certain
     persons  in  the  group  from  their  earlier  days  in  the   material for this article, Montana Historical Society
     mining camps of California. Most of the Vigilantes     and, the Grand Lodge of Montana archives.
     came from California and followed the gold from
     there to Montana. Many of the Montana miners had
     belonged to vigilante organizations in California
     where only numbers were used. Th  is theory indicates
     that three prominent California vigilantes (3, 7, and
     77) came to Montana and off ered their expertise. Th is
     same theory applies to Colorado as well.

       A third theory explains that the numbers signify the
     vocations of persons involved in the organization: 3
     lawyers, 7 merchants, and 77 miners.

       Perhaps one of the most well-known theories is that
     the Vigilantes were formed by the Masonic order. In
     this theory, 3 represents the number present at the
     fi rst Masonic meeting in Montana, 7 the quorum,
     and 77 signifi ed the number of Masons present at the
     fi rst activity in the Territory, the funeral of Brother
     William Bell (Bell was the 77th Mason present).

       Each theory is credible. Regardless of its meaning,
     however, 3-7-77 is emblematic of the fi rst organized
     law enforcement in Montana. Th  e Montana Highway
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 13                                       March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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