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History of the                        Going to the Sun Car Rally and contributions to its

        Montana Highway Patrol & 3-7-77                     endowment fund, Friends of the AMT.

                                                              Another major goal of the AMT is to interact with
                                                            Montana youth. In a society where many of our
                                                            children are at risk, the AMT strives to promote solid
                                                            citizenship, a drug free life, and safety in automobile
                                                              In an eff ort to improve automobile safety in the
                                                            state, the Association maintains the Little Convincer
                                                            Seat Belt Program. Similar to the Seatbelt Convincer
                                                            used for adults, this apparatus uses stuff ed  animals
                                                            instead of people and is directed toward elementary
                                                            school children. It strives to show the disastrous
                                                            consequences of failing to wear automobile safety
              THANKS MHP TROOPERS                           belts, and the eff ectiveness of safety belt restraints.
        FOR YOUR DEDICATION & SERVICE                         Among the Association’s primary focuses are

                                                            community service and donations to various charitable
        Between 1933 and 1934, Montana led the nation  causes, including the Special Olympics. But the pride
     with a 74% increase in highway fatalities. Th is  led  of the Association is its creation and sponsorship of
     to the belief amongst the public and legislature that  the Montana Hope Project, which began in 1984.
     Montana needed an agency to safeguard its highways.  Designed to grant critically ill Montana children with
                                                            the fulfi llment of their life’s wish, the Hope Project
      Frank H. Cooney, Governor of Montana, signed  is predominantly a volunteer run organization, run
     the bill that created the Montana Highway Patrol on  largely by past and present troopers, as well as members
     March 14, 1935, and Lou Boedecker of Deer Lodge was  of the community. It is funded exclusively by private
     selected as the fi rst chief administrator. Estimates of  and corporate donations, as well as large fund raisers
     the fi rst pool of applicants range from 1500 to 3000,  such as the Ride for Hope, and receives no local, state,
     from which only 24 recruits were chosen to attend  or federal funding. Hundreds of children have been
     the fi rst Highway Patrol Recruit Academy. Th e  fi rst  recipients of wishes such as travel, computers, and
     academy was overseen by Captain Rudy Schmoke of  visits with celebrities.
     the California Highway Patrol, aft er which much of
     the Montana Highway Patrol was patterned. Th e fi rst    Seeking to serve both the public and Patrol troopers
     recruit academy lasted from April 22, 1935, until May  alike, the Association of Montana Troopers continues
     21, 1935, with the fi rst day of work following on May  its eff orts as a non-profi t organization to improve
     22, 1935. Since its inception, the Montana Highway  safety and awareness among Montana’s citizens, and
     Patrol has striven to reduce fatalities by a combination  to give just a little more to the state of Montana.
     of enforcement and education.
                                                              In 1956, Alex Stephenson the Superintendent of
      Th  e Association of Montana Highway Patrolmen,  the Montana Highway Patrol selected 3-7-77 for the
     now the Association of Montana Troopers (AMT),  Patrol's logo as a tribute to the Vigilantes.  Saying "We
     was initially founded in 1939, with articles of  chose the symbol to keep alive the memory of the fi rst
     incorporation being fi led in 1941. Originally started  people's police force.
     to aid troopers in their personal lives, the Association
     now provides additional benefi ts at retirement and      Vigilantes are an oft en revered part of Montana’s
     college scholarship grants to the children of members  history. From Absarokee to Zurich, tales are told to
     and to the public as well. In addition, special donations  elementary, middle-school, and high-school students
     are sometimes given to members with catastrophic or  about “vigilante justice” that was nothing if not swift .
     emergency circumstances. Th  e Association is largely  Helena, the capital, even boasts its own tribute to the
     funded by membership dues and advertising sales  vigilantes with a “Vigilantes Day” including a parade
     from its bi-annual publication, Montana Trooper  and other events. But perhaps the greatest tribute
     magazine. Private donations are also accepted, most  Montana has given them is the symbol 3-7-77 on the
     notably by virtue of the AMT’s assistance with the  patch worn by Montana Highway Patrol troopers
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 12                                        March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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