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William F. Cody

                                      Ernest J. Goppert, Jr. PGM - Wyoming

      Th  e 110th Annual Communication of the Grand          According to Mrs. Cody, when she saw him at Fort
     Lodge Of Wyoming was held in Cody Wyoming               McPherson, for the fi rst time, he was wearing long
     in August, 1984, and was dedicated to the memory        hair, moustache and goatee the style of prairie scouts
     of the town's founder, Pony Express Rider, scout,       of those days. In September, while buff alo  hunting
     Frontiersman, showman, Brother William F. 'Buff alo     with Major Frank North to supply the garrison with
     Bill' Cody Th  is Short Talk Bulletin has been adapted   meat, Cody and North were surrounded by Indians
     from one of the presentations at that memorable         and barely fought their way back to the command.
     Annual Communication.                                   With the 5th Cavalry, they then pursued the Indians
                                                             for ninety miles to Standing Rock Agency, Dakota.
      A child, destined to great fame, was born on a farm    Finally, the expedition returned to Fort McPherson
     in Le Claire, Scott County, lowa, on February 26,       on October 28.
     1846 to Isaac Cody and Mary Leacock Cody. Isaac
     abandoned his farm to work as a stage driver and the      Within less than three weeks, Captain W. B. Brown
     family moved to the vicinity of Fort Leavenworth,       organized in his quarters the Platte Valley Lodge No.
     Kansas. At the age of eleven, Bill lost his father in the   32 of the A.F.& A.M. under the jurisdiction of the
     Kansas border war. Bill's mother was a woman of the     Grand Lodge of Nebraska. Cody and Brown were
     highest character and developed in him nobility of      close  friends,  and  it  is  likely  that  Cody  petitioned
     soul, fortitude and courage which endeared him to       right away for membership. One of the offi  cers  of
     the hearts of all who were destined to meet and know    the Lodge was the post's physician, Dr. David Frank
     him. She died when Bill who was still in his teens was   Powell. Powell, later known as 'White Beaver,' became
     serving with the Kansas Cavalry.                        fast friends with 'Buff alo Bill' and eventually died in
                                                             Cody, Wyoming. On his 24th birthday, Cody was
      Following his father' death, Bill secured employment   elected to membership. He was initiated March 6,
     as a  'carrier boy' on a supply train. Later at age fourteen   1870 and passed April 2, 1870.
     he obtained a lucrative job as a rider for the Pony
     Express. Bill made the longest trip on record. Upon       During 1870, Cody was involved in only one offi  cial
     reaching Th  ree Crossings he learned that the rider at   Indian fi ght. However, he was kept busy hunting and
     Sweetwater had been killed and he was requested to      guiding visiting dignitaries. One of those dignitaries
     ride the next leg. He made a trip of 321 miles without   Professor Othniel Marsh, a Yale paleontologist, was
     stopping except for meals and to change horses.         on his way to the Big Horn Basin to do some dinosaur
                                                             bone hunting. It is Marsh whom Cody credited for
      At seventeen, Bill enlisted in the 9th Kansas Cavalry.   exciting his interest in the Big Horn Basin country.
     Later he served as a Scout in Tennessee and as a Trooper   Cody also served in the capacity of Justice of the
     in Missouri. In 1866 he married Louisa Frederici in St.   Peace at Fort McPherson. He had been appointed
     Louis. Bill contracted with the Goddard Brothers to     by the army commander because he was the most
     furnish the Kansas Pacifi c Railroad with all the buff alo   reliable of the local civilian employees. In addition to
     meat required to feed the laborers engaged in road      performing routine chores such as marriages ('whom
     construction and in eighteen months (1867-68) killed    God and 'Buff alo Bill' have joined together let no man
     4,280 buff alo which earned him the name by which       put asunder'. Cody also served as a sort of unoffi  cial
     he is best known as "Buff alo Bill'. From September,    detective and policeman. Certainly one of the biggest
     1869, when he fi rst caught the notice of General Phil   events in his life was the birth late in the year of his
     Sheridan by some daring riding through Indian           only son, Kit Carson Cody.
     country, until December, 1872, when he resigned to go
     on the stage, Cody was continuously on army payrolls      On January 10, 1871, Cody was raised to the sublime
     as a civilian scout. In July, 1869, he achieved some fame   degree of Master Mason. Within a few months, he
     for guiding the 5th Cavalry to its spectacular victory   was cited for 'conspicuous and gallant conduct' for
     at Summit Springs, Colorado. Th  e troops returned in   a skirmish on Bird Wood Creek, Nebraska. He also
     August, 1869, to Fort McPherson, Nebraska. Cody felt    began to achieve wider national fame as a guide for
     sure enough of his employment to send for his wife.     distinguished hunting parties. In September, 1871, he
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 17                                        March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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