Page 19 - MFM Mar Apl 2021.indd
P. 19

or ridden to the top of Lookout Mountain. It was
     certainly one of the largest, if not the largest, Masonic      Montana Masonic Foundation
     burial ever. Th  ese words were said by the Masons over       At Work In Our Public Schools
     the grave:

            'His spirit ascends to God who gave it,
             His memory we cherish in our hearts.
              His body we consign to the earth.'

       Before his burial, a group of friends and family
     members formed an organization to foster and
     perpetuate the memory of 'Buff alo Bill' in Cody,
     Wyoming. From this timely but meager start the world
     famous Buff alo Bill Historical Center has developed.

                                                                     Montana Masonic Foundation
                                                                            Presents Grant to
                                                                          )DLU¿ HOG +LJK 6FKRRO

                    It Is The Desire
                         To Serve
                 That Makes a Great
               Not the Desire To Rule                        On behalf of the Montana Masonic Foundation, Tracy
                                                             Bratcher, Great Falss District Offi  cer, presented a grant
                                                             check to Trina Wilson of Fairfi eld High School.

                                                             Photo by: Darryl L. Flowers, Fairfi eld Sun Times.

      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 19                                       March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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