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P. 22

Pythagoras, Burr, Hamilton, Sumner, Brooks

                                          CIVILITY and MASONS

                              W. Brother Donald McDougal, Grand Lodge of Maine

       I began musing about the causes and sources of         Some of the “beliefs” recorded as held by him and
     lack of civility within human cultures and its historic   the Pythagoreans included:
     recurrence within societies. Civility is one of the     - New converts were required to spend fi ve  years
     “higher” attributes of our human psyche. According      without speaking.
     to Kaja Nordengen in  “Your Superstar Brain”, the
     Frontal Lobe “Constrains” us and                                      - Even numbers represented women,
     helps us maintain Civility and “Self                                  odd numbers men.
     Control”. Incivility toward others is                                 - Music could purify us.
     controlled by a more primitive  part
     of  our  brain. Commonly called the                                   -  Beans  were  sacred  and  must  be
     “Reptilian  Brain”,  the  Amygdala                                    protected at all costs and not eaten.
     controls our “fi ght or fl ight” responses.                           - He taught his followers that you
                                                                           must put the right shoe on fi rst.
       I thought of the Mathematician,
     Pythagoras; Alexander Hamilton,                                       - He worshiped numbers and prayed
     former Secretary of the Treasury;                                     to the number
     Aaron Burr, sitting Vice President of                                 10.”Bless us divine number”.
     the United States, Charles Sumner,
     Senator from Massachusetts; Preston                                     He  taught  that  our  entire  life  is
     Brooks, Representative from South                                      controlled by opposing forces. (Good-
     Carolina. And, appallingly, many                                       Evil, Love-Hate, Civility-Contempt
     others spring to mind from history.                                    and Rudeness, etc)

                                                                             Th  ere is agreement that his birth
       During the 30 years prior to 500                                     was around 570 BC. Records of his
     BC, Pythagoras and his followers had                                   death are varied and contradictory.
     marked political infl uence in their                   Most agree that it occurred between 500 and 470 BC.
     society. At one time they held political control of    Some say he committed suicide because of attacks on
     Kroton but later were ousted by their political rivals.   him and his followers. Others say he starved himself
     Notwithstanding their mountainous contributions        to death. Most seem to agree that he was persecuted by
     to mathematics, as political fi gures, (just like today)   his political enemies and his death somehow stemmed
     they became targets of their political rivals and      from violence by his opponents. Some say he died as
     encountered widespread animosity, accompanying         a result of his refusal to trample a fi eld of beans by
     lack of civility, and violence. Most of us have heard   running through them to escape. Th  ey said he would
     of Pythagoras but we cannot have much confi dence      rather die than step on a bean so he let those chasing
     in the available accounts respecting him and his life.   him cut his throat to allow the beans to live. Other
     Apparently no records from his time exist. Some say    accounts say he was killed by Syracusans when he
     that his father was a man of Tyre but the existing     became involved in their quarrel with Agrigentum. He
     narratives we have were written much later by people   might have been killed by the fury of a mob or perhaps
     with personal agendas.
                                                            he died when the public building he was in was set
                                                            on fi re by the crowd outside or maybe it was just one
       We can have some certainty that he and the           man who burned his house down. He died in Croton
     Pythagoreans were extremely secretive. Detractors,     or possibly Metapontum. Whatever the circumstances
     calling them a cult, say this was because they felt their  of his death, a fairly common account includes some
     knowledge was only for the limited few elite. Th ey did  setting involving his reverence for beans. We will
     believe that everything was based on number and        never be able to know the actual facts of his death but
     that truth plus all reality was in numbers and that all   it seems to be universally accepted that they involved
     knowledge had a number.                                mobs, anger, violence, and complete disregard for any
                                                            semblance of Civility.

      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 22                                        March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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