Page 11 - MFM Mar Apl 2021.indd
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“Th  ey nursed and obtained medical care for the sick.
     Th  ey soothed the dying and wrote letters to the nearest      Montana Masonic Foundation
     of kin. Th  ey buried their dead in decent places with        At Work In Our Public Schools
     suitable honors and dignity… Th  is is certain: no sick,
     destitute, and suff ering brother has been permitted
     to suff er or die in their midst, uncared for,” Whitsell
     continued. “Th  e noble generosity and disinterestedness
     with which a few Masons in one of our new cities have
     contributed  so  largely  to  the  wants  of  the  brethren
     coming upon them from all parts of the civilized
     world, has aff orded a brilliant illustration to the world
     of the excellence and strength of our principles, and
     has been most eff ective in commending our order to
     the respect of those who are not of us.”

                                                                     Montana Masonic Foundation
                                                                            Presents Grant to
                                                                              Augusta School

      Permission to reprint the article "Quarantine, Disease,
      and Masonic Relief - 170 Years Ago", Ian A. Stewart, from
      the California Freemason magaxine, May/Jun 2020 Issue,
      granted from the California Freemason. Grand Lodge of
      F&AM of California.

                                                             Representing the Montana Masonic Foundation, Great
                                                             Falls District Offi  cer Tracy Bratcher (L) presented the
                                                             MMF Grant Check at Augusta Schools. In the photo
                                                             on the (R) is Megan Genther (librarian) and  in the
                                                             Center is Jody Brown (a teacher and Mason).  Th e MMF
                                                             grant provided money for new Library Shelves and a

      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 11                                        March/April 2021   Volume 97 No. 2
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