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Hands of the Workman

     John Kain, Grand Master 1936-1937

       John Kain was born at Dalbeattie, Scotland,                         the fraternity chose him to represent Montana at
     on  October  2nd,  1867.  As  a  young  lad,  John                    the Bi-centennial Celebration of the Grand Lodge
     apprenticed to the stone cutting business                             of  Scotland  in  1936-1937  his  appreciation  and
     operated by his father. In 1872 his family moved to                   enthusiasm knew no bounds; he consorted with
     Quincy, Massachusetts; however, they returned to                      Kings and Princes and the elite of the Masons of
     Liverpool England in 1875. The lure of the United                     the World; he felt honored that he went back to
     States was strong, and John and his older brother                     the land of his birth as the head of the Masons of
     emigrated  to  Montana  in  1888  and  engaged  in                    Montana; this just pride had for him a touch of
     the stone-cutting business. Two years later, the                      humility as well as thankfulness to his God, that
     rest of their family again moved and joined them                      a poor lad of Scotland came back full of honors,
     in Montana. The brothers and their father opened                      and associated with the nobility of the land.
     the Kain Granite Company and were the first to
     develop  the  quarries  in  this  section.  The  Kain's                 As  the  Grand  Master  of  Montana,  he  visited
     quarries  were  located  at  Shingle  Gulch  on  the                  most  of  the  Lodges  in  the  state;  to  each,  he
     Great Northern and Baxendale on the Northern Pacific. The  carried the most eloquent and earnest messages; and spoke
     cutting  plant  was  in  Helena  was  equipped  with  pneumatic  with truth and breathed the spirituality of the enthusiast into
     machinery and was one of the most up-to-date in the country.  the hearts and minds of his brothers. In 1937 there were 135
     The Kain Granite Company had offices and a salesroom at  Lodges  in  Montana  with  a  total  membership  of  18,060.  In
     Seventh  Avenue  and  Jackson  Street  in  Helena.  Previous  to  2022 we have 78 Lodges with a total of 3,564 members.
     its incorporation in 1911, the company was known as Thomas
     Kain & Sons,  an average force of seventy-five employees was   In  his  personal  life,  he  was  an  example  of  a  Christian
     required to carry out the company's work. In connection with  dedicated to the welfare of his fellow man. At the time of
     the quarries, the company also maintained a monumental  his  death,  he  had  completed  fifty-four  years  as  an  active
     business, the most extensive in the state.  The great buildings  member  of  the  First  Baptist  Church  of  Helena.  Words  are
     of Montana, including the State Capitol, temples of education  inadequate to give due praise to Brother Kain; his attachment
     of several  units of the university of Montana, and public and  to his church, his unstinted service to the Y.M.C.A. and other
     private  buildings  of  Montana,  are  examples  of  his  master  civic organizations; his ready assistance with his wonderful
     craftsmanship as an operative Mason and builder. The black  gift of song, his service to Masonry in all its branches cannot
     granite cornerstone of the Grand Lodge building in Helena is  be sufficiently portrayed; he was a living exemplar of a man
     a gift from Brother Kain.                                  and Mason; his solid moral fiber permeated his being, and yet
                                                                he was a charitable man with the frailties of his brothers; his
       Brother Kain's Masonic record bespeaks of a life devoted to  purse is ever ready to aid the needy; his valuable time was
     the service of his brothers. He was Initiated in Helena Lodge  given  to  visiting  the  sick  and  afflicted;  no  demand  on  his
     No.  3  on  October  15th,  1909,  Passed  on  November  19th,  services was ever refused; he was level-headed and quickly
     1909, and raised on December 3rd,  1909. He was Worshipful  grasped the problems confronting the various organizations
     Master of Helena Lodge No. 3 in 1915. He received the several  in which he held interested in, and his counsel was ever timely
     degrees of Helena Chapter No. 2  Royal Arch Masons in 1917  and sound; he was hospitality personified and his friendships
     and in 1923 presided as High Priest. He was admitted, passed,  were grappled with hoops of steel; he was honorable in all his
     and greeted a member of Helena Council No. 1, Royal and  dealing; his generosity knew no bounds.
     Select  Masters  in  1925,  and  served  as  Master  in  1938.  He
     received the degrees of Helena Commandery No. 2, Knights    Most  Worshipful  Past  Grand  Master  John  Kain  died  in
     Templar in 1918, and served as Commander in 1936-1937. He  Helena  on  July  27th,  1947,  and  was  buried  at  Forestvale
     was a member of Algeria temple A.A.O.N.M.S. and served in  Cemetery.
     the office of Orator for many years. He was also a member of
     Josephine Hepner Chapter No. 89, Order of the Eastern Star,
     and served as Worthy Patron. He was a Scottish Rite Mason of
     the thirty-third degree. At the time of his retirement in 1946,
     he had served thirty-one years as a trustee of the Masonic

       The pinnacle of his fraternal life was reached when he
     became Grand Master; proud of the dignity was expression
     of his feelings at the honor conferred on him; he showed it in
     every action and devotion to Masonry; when the members of

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