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USS Leviathan                         started to bring American war veterans home. She made
                                                            nine round-trip voyages for this purpose, completing the
                                                            last in September 1919. Late in October, USS Leviathan
                                                            was decommissioned and turned over to the U.S. Shipping
                                                              The U.S. Shipping Board turned her over to the United
                                                            States Lines to operate  for  them.  She  later  became the
                                                            U.S. Flag ocean liner S.S. Leviathan. The great ship was
                                                            scrapped in 1938. United States Lines employed her in
                                                            transatlantic passenger service until 10 December 1937
                                                            when she was sold for scrapping to a British firm. She was
                                                            broken up at Rosyth, Scotland, 6 June 1938.
      S.S. Vaterland was a 54,282 gross ton passenger liner,                 Adele M. Marshall
     built at Hamburg, Germany, as the second of a trio of
     very large ships for the Hamburg-America Line’s trans-                Leviathan, thou noble ship,
     Atlantic route. When completed in the spring of 1914, she          Thou mighty monarch of the seas,
     was the World’s largest ship. Vaterland held this honor         May thy stalwart form and mighty force
     until 1922.                                                          War’s desolating horrors ease.
                                                                        We view the grandeur of thy bulk,
      She was seized at Hoboken, N.J., by the U.S. Shipping            And gaze with wonder and with awe
     Board when the United States entered World War I, 6                At thy great magnitude and might
     April 1917; turned over to the custody of the U.S. Navy            Which surpass visions we foresaw.
                                                                         As now in peaceful anchor held,
     in June 1917, under the command of Captain J. W. Oman.             The waves caress thy sturdy bow:
     In early September, she was redesignated USS Leviathan             The ocean flirts and beckons thee
     SP-1326 by President Woodrow Wilson. The Leviathan                   To sail away, away—and now
     was an appropriate name considering that she was then             She lures thee with her shining crest,
     the largest ship in the U.S. Navy and the World. The             But couldst thou see beneath the wave
     Navy would not operate a bigger ship until 1945 when               The yawning jaws of cavern greed
     the slightly longer and heavier aircraft carrier Midway            From which a God alone can save.
     entered service.                                                   She’ll lure thee out into her midst,
                                                                       Then tantalize with storm and gale,
      On Dec. 14, 1917, the 163rd Montana Infantry regiment            But these mere trifles bring no fear
                                                                              As ever on you sail.
     sailed from Hoboken, N.J., onboard the “Leviathan.”                But deep within her somber soul
                                                                         There lie devices born of hate,
                                                                      In traitorous hearts and crafty minds
                                                                         Hell’s strategies they propagate.
                                                                        And will these mechanisms harm?
                                                                      Will bomb or shot e’er rend thy bark?
                                                                         Will cries of horrors fill the air
                                                                        As dangers peer from ocean dark?
                                                                      There is but One who knows thy fate;
                                                                         Within the hollow of His hand
                                                                         Thy safety lies. You can but wait
                                                                       And place thy trust in Beulah Land.
                                                                       We trust thee, ship, we give our sons
      The Leviathan reported for duty with the Cruiser and            By thousands. Will they fill thy halls?
     Transport Force. The Leviathan began regular passages             Oh bring them safe across the wave
     between the U.S. and Brest, France, delivering up to           Despite the whirlpool, storms and squalls.
     14,000 persons on each trip she was painted in the British-     The prayers and sobs from broken hearts
     type “dazzle” camouflage scheme that she carried for the            Will follow as thy course is run.
     rest of the war.                                                This prayer eternal, to heaven will rise—
                                                                     “Thy will, not mine, Oh, God, be done.”
      Captain Oman successfully avoided submarine patrols,                Leviathan, thou ship of state,
                                                                           Sail on, sail on victorious.
     despite the vessel’s huge size, and managed to deliver               Crush thou the tools of hate,
     nearly 120,000 servicemen to the combat zone before the            Come back with honors glorious
     November 1918 Armistice brought the fighting to an end.            And bring with thee eternal peace.
     For these efforts, Oman was awarded the Navy Cross and              Peace with honor, without stain,
     promoted to Rear Admiral in 1918. Shortly afterwards             And wear the crown “LEVIATHAN,”
     Leviathan was repainted grey overall by December 1918,             Queen of the ocean’s vast domain
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 37                                               April/May 2020   Volume 96 No.3
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