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Robert J. Hathaway
                                  Leroy A. Foot                                     Grand Master of Montana
                            Grand Master of Montana                                         1920-1921
                                    1931-1932                                       Dr. Hathaway was born at Ovid,
                                                                                  Michigan, on January 24, 1874. He
                            Leroy Albert Foot was born                            attended public schools in Ovid
                          at Melrose, Minnesota, on                               and  the  University  of Michigan
                          September 9th, 1882. He was                             and the University of Illinois from
                          raised on a ranch near Minot,                           which he received his Doctor of
                          North Dakota, where he attended                         Medicine.  Later he took advance
                          school and the University of                            work at the Universities of Paris
                          North Dakota, receiving his Law                         and Vienna.
                          Degree in 1906. He moved to                               Dr.   Hathaway    moved    to
     Kalispell, Montana, to practice Law with C. H. Foot. In   Glendive, Montana, in 1902. He served as the County Health
     1923 he moved to Choteau, Montana, and engaged in a    Officer and was in private practice. He was Chief Surgeon of
     Law practice with his brother Stanley R. Foot.         Grace Hospital from 1902 to 1917.
      While in Kalispell, he joined the National Guard in     He entered the U. S. Army in 1917 and served as an
     August, 1906 as a member of Company “F”, and served    instructor of medical officers at Ft. Riley, Kansas, and
     with that  company until February 7, 1910, during that   later was in charge of a hospital train in France. He was
     time he was promoted from private to First Sergeant.   discharged as a Lt. Colonel in the reserve and returned to
     He le   to help organize Company “H”, and was elected   Glendive.
     as Captain commanding the new company, until May
     23, 1913, when he moved from Kalispell to Choteau. He
     was appointed Inspector of Small Arms Practice, and
     held that o   ce until, June 1916. As soon as the United
     States entered the war, he went with his company to
     France with the 163rd Infantry Regiment. He served
     as a division machine gun officer and Assistant Chief
     of Staff of the 41st Division, with the rank of Major. At
     the close of the war, he returned to Montana, serving as          Army Hospital Train No. 61, France 1918
     a Lieutenant Colonel of the 163rd Infantry.
                                                              He served as Superintendent of the State Hospital in Warm
      In 1921, he moved to Helena, where he was Deputy      Springs from 1921 to 1925. He moved to Evanston, Illinois,
     Attorney General. In 1924 he became Attorney General   and practiced medicine for sixteen years before returning
     of Montana holding that office until 1933. He moved    to Glendive. He was a Fellow of the American College of
     to Fort Peck, where he was with the legal department   Surgeons and a member of various medical associations and
                                                            a delegate to the London Masonic Peace Celebration.
     during the construction of Fort Peck Dam. In 1936 he
     went to Sacramento, California, and served with the      Brother Hathaway received his degrees in Glendive Lodge
     Army Corps of Engineers with the rank of Brigadier     No. 31. He was Initiated on January 23, 1904. Passed on
     General, during the construction of Shasta Dam.        February 19, 1904, and Raised to the sublime degree of a
                                                            Master Mason on March 19, 1904. He served as Worshipful
      Brother Foot received his degrees in Kalispell Lodge   Master in 1908. R. W. Brother Hathaway was elected as
     No. 42. Initiated on January 6, 1910; Passed on January   Senior Grand Warden in 1919. However, he was serving
     20, 1910, and Raised to the sublime degree of a Master   as a medical officer in the Army located in France and
     Mason on February 14, 1910. Upon moving to Choteau,    could not be installed at the time of election. A Special
     he dimitted from Kalispell No. 42 and affiliated with   Communication of the Grand Lodge of Montana was held
     Choteau No. 44, serving as Worshipful Master in 1920.   at St. Aignan, France, on March 29th, 1919, under Proxy
     He also served as Worshipful Master of Montana Army    from Most Worshipful Grand Master E. M. Hutchinson for
                                                            the purpose of installing Brother Hathaway as Senior Grand
     Lodge No. 1., U. D. Brother Foot was appointed Senior   Warden. Lt. Col. LeRoy Foot, Worshipful Master of Montana
     Grand Steward in 1922 and was elected as Grand         Army Lodge No. 1, U. D., installed R. W. Brother Hathaway
     Master of Masons in Montana in 1931. M. W. Brother     as Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden. (Note: Brother
     Foot was also a member of the York Rite, Order of the   Foot became Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Montana
     Eastern Star, and Shrine.                              in 1931.)

      He died on August 22, 1955 in Sacramento, California    M. W. Brother Hathaway was also a member of the York
     where was buried at East Lawn Memorial Park with       Rite, Scottish Rite, Shrine, and the Order of the Eastern Star
     Masonic Funeral Honors.                                serving as Worthy Grand Patrion in 1913, He died on July
                                                            15th, 1955, and was buried in Middlebury, Michigan.
      Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 36                                               April/May 2020   Volume 96 No.3
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